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作品赏析:石头的色彩竟然也会如此斑斓!鲜艳炽烈,似乎还带着岩浆的灼热,如同凡·高的画笔恣意涂抹,视觉的震惊和心灵情感的呼应让人猝不及防。石质坚硬如玉,石形峻峭多变,沟裂洞窍间,洞窟随岩壁分布,大的深不可测,小的如蜂房鸽舍,高低错落、鳞次栉比。尤为神奇的是,主窟内清晰可见一佛寂然禅坐,盈尺之间,重楼高阁,佛影若隐若现,不由想起丝绸之路上的一个个驿站,想起那个神秘的 Appreciation of the work: even the color of the stone will be so gorgeous! Vivid blazing, it seems that also with the magma burning, as Van Gogh brush arbitrary smear, visual shock and soul emotional echo makes people caught off guard. Stone hard jade, stone steep and changeable, trench crack awakened cave, cave distribution with the rock, big unfathomable, small, such as beehive loft, the level of scattered, row upon row. Particularly amazing is that the main cave within a clear view of the Buddha can sit quietly, between the Ying Ying, re-upstairs tower, Buddha looming, could not help but think of the Silk Road, one by one post, think of that mysterious
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2015年3月18-20日,2015中国国际纺织纱线(春夏)展览会、2015年中国国际纺织面料及辅料(春夏)博览会、2015年中国国际服装服饰展览会(春季),以及以CHIC展中展的形式出现的PH Value时尚第一汇暨中国国际针织(春夏)博览,首度集体移师上海,在位于虹桥枢纽附近的国家会展中心联合举办。  “春季联展”代表了中国纺织服装行业最高水平、最具国际竞争力和影响力、服务于全产业链的综合平台
拍摄地点:云南,红河州拍摄时间:3月12日INFO:Canon EOS 5D Mark III,f/3.2,1/100s,ISO 200红河州弥勒县巡检司镇陶瓦村居住着彝族的一个支系——阿哲人,他们会在每年农历二月