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文章是客观事物的反映。如何运用语言去准确地反映客观事物,表述自己的思想观点,不光是技巧问题,也是文风问题,思想问题,态度问题。对于新闻工作者来讲,使用语言写作时,首先要有一个科学的、老老实实的态度,要真实地反映客观事物,要真实地表达观点立场,不能用华丽的词句去粉饰客观事实,更不能用冠冕堂皇的形式去传播轻浮荒谬的思想。谈到新闻写作的语言,我想有三条准则值得我们注意:一是要符合事理,二是要符合情理,三是要符合文理。 The article is a reflection of objective things. How to use language to accurately reflect the objective things, to express their own ideas and points of view, not only technical problems, but also the style of writing, ideological issues, attitude issues. For journalists, when using language writing, we must first of all have a scientific and honest attitude. We must truly reflect the objective things, truly express our opinions and positions, and can not use gorgeous words and phrases to make up the objective facts. The frivolous, absurd thought can not be transmitted in sounding forms. When it comes to the language of news writing, I think there are three guidelines that deserve our attention: one is to be consistent with the fact, the other is to be reasonable and the third is to conform to the theory of culture.
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