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于立和,字鲁玉,号大山居士。1955年7月生于济南,祖籍山东章丘。自幼酷爱绘画,尤习喜好山水,自青少年时期遍临传统山水画,对历代名家流派潜心研心,心追手摹,反复临写至熟于手、成于胸、伏案二十几载,曾刻用闲章“古狂”一枚以自诩,是以写照。后走出斗室、行万里路,壮游山河十几余载而不思归,并自号“火山居士”。80年代毕业于中国书画函授大学,后开始对山水画的创作与探索。受现代山水画大师李可染先生“为祖国山河立传”的艺术观点影响颇深,主张笔墨当随时代,而不是当随时尚,山水画的发展应当以表现祖国山河的雄伟壮丽和阳钢之气,以及讴歌不屈不挠的民族精神为主流,而不应当流于纤细、弱小、乘巧的、小情小趣的笔墨游戏之中。画 In legislation and, the word Lu Yu, No. mountain lay. Born in Jinan in July 1955, Zhang Zhangqiu, a native of Shandong Province. Since childhood I love painting, especially like the landscape, adolescents since the advent of traditional landscape painting, painstaking research on the famous genre schools, heart chasing G, repeated Pro to mature in hand, into the chest, With a loose chapter “ancient mad ” a self-depreciation, is a portrayal. Out of the bucket after the line Wanli Lu, more than a dozen mountains and more set to travel without regret, and since the number “volcano lay ”. He graduated from the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Correspondence University in the 1980s and began to create and explore landscape paintings. Influenced by the modern master of landscape painting, Mr. Li Keran and his artistic viewpoint of “creating mountains and rivers for the motherland”, he advocated that ink and wash should follow the times instead of fashion. The development of landscape painting should show the majestic beauty of the mountains and rivers of the motherland, , As well as the cynical indomitable spirit of the nation as the mainstream, but should not flow in the slender, weak, meritorious, little interest in the pen and ink games. painting
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