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美国食品与药物管理局(FDA)已批准合伙人Chiron Corp.(Emeryville,CA)和Berlex Laboratories,Inc.(Richmond,CA)制造并销售Betaseron。Betaseron是rDNA β干扰素-1b的商品名,用于治疗复发-缓解多发性硬化(MS)患者。它是25年来第一个获批的治疗MS的新药,也是FDA新的危及生命疾病治疗产品加速审批程序实施后获批准的第一个生物技术药物。 该药物被注明只能用于治疗复发-缓解MS患者,美国有30万MS患者,其中30%属于此类型。这
By linear perturbation theory, a sensitivity study is presented to calculate the contribution of the Mars gravity field to the orbital perturbations in velocity
HD 49798(a hydrogen depleted subdwarf O6 star) with its massive white dwarf(WD) companion has been suggested to be a progenitor candidate of a type Ia supernova
Previous works suggested that the state transitions in an X-ray binary can be triggered by accreting an inverse magnetic field from its companion star. A key po
洛杉矶儿童医院(Los Angeles,CA)和CellPro Inc.公司(Seattle,WA)的基因治疗学家领先国家健康研究所(National Institutes of Health,NIH)研究了首例利用干细胞治疗重度联合
We aim to understand the properties at the locations of supernova(SN) explosions in their host galaxies and compare with the global properties of these host gal
Florigene Australia欲将其重组麝香石竹(康乃馨)推向市场,这将是第一种上市的重组花卉。这种麝香石竹比非转基因品种可延长一倍时间不凋萎。 Florigene Australia的前身是Ca