Hello, stranger!

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  I. A few rules
  Where to sit   If you get on a bus, tube or train, don’t sit next to a stranger, however pleasant he or she may look, if there is a free seat somewhere else. Choosing a seat next to someone is only acceptable if the bus or train is full. The same goes for when you are in a café. Don’t sit next to or opposite someone if another table is free. It can appear threatening.
  How close to stand   When you talk to a stranger, don’t stand or put your face too close. You should try and keep at least 50cm between you.
  II. Conversations
  A. On a plane
  Woman: Here comes our lunch. It looks very dull, doesn’t it?
  Man: Yes, it’s typical airline food.
  Woman: Are you going to London on business or is it a holiday?
  Man: Neither.  I  live  there.  I’m  just
  returning from a business trip.
  Woman: Oh. What sort of work do you do?
  Woman: Can you tell me... what’s the best way of getting to the centre of London from the airport?
  Man: Well, there are a number of ways. Where do you actually want to go?
  B. In a café
  Woman: Excuse me, is this seat free?
  Man: Sure.
  Woman: Thanks. Do you think you could pass the sugar?
  Man: Of course.
  Woman: Thanks. What’s the food like here?
  Man: It’s OK. The salads and sandwiches aren’t bad and the chips are always good.
  Woman: Are there any other good places to eat round here?
  Man: It depends. What sort of food do you like?
  C. At a bus stop
  Man: Does the number 6 stop here?
  Woman: Yes, I’m waiting for one myself.
  Man: Does it go as far as Marble Arch?
  Woman: Yes, it  goes  all  the  way  to Piccadilly.
  Man: There’s quite a queue!Have you been here long?
  Woman: About five minutes. Here’s one now.
  Man: Could you tell me when we get to Marble Arch?
  Woman: Of course. Is this your first time in London?
  Man: Yes, it is.
  D. In a taxi
  Man: Taxi!
  Driver: You need a taxi, don’t you sir?
  Man: Yes. I’m leaving your city today. But there are almost two hours left before my train starts. So could you take me around the city for another look?
  Driver: Certainly. Get in and close the door, please. I’ll take you to see as much as possible of the city. Here we go...
  (Later...)   Driver: Here we are. That is the train station. You’ve got to get off here.
  Man: Thank you very much. You did a wonderful job, both as a driver and as a tourist guide. I really had a nice time, enjoying your beautiful city.
  Driver: I’m  glad  to  hear  that.  You’re
  always welcome to my city.
  Man: This is the fare and this is for you. I do hope to see you again if I can come a
  second time.
  Driver: Thank you very much. This is my card. Dial this number when you come next time.
  Man: Thank you again. Goodbye.
  Driver: Goodbye and a pleasant journey home!
  III. Exercises
  一、     从所给选项中选出与之相应的答语。
  1. May I see your ticket and passport, please?
  2. Where is Gate 14?
  3. What is the place famous for?
  4. Do I have to change trains at London?
  5. Anything interesting to see in this city?
  6. I’ve never seen a waterfall like that before.
  7. Mount Emei is really a tourist resort.
  8. The traffic is always busy in rush hours.
  [A. It’s famous for Stone Forest.
  B. Go down  this  hall  to  the  end. Then turn left.
  C. The First Pass Under Heaven is worth seeing.
  D. I’m afraid so.
  E. OK. Here you are.
  F. Yes. You’d better not take a bus in rush hours then.
  G. Neither have I.
  H. That’s true.]
  二、 根據情景完成对话,每空一词。
  1. A: Good morning. Can I help you?
   B: I’d ___ to book a seat on a flight from London to New York ___ the 2nd of October, please.
   A: Do you want a morning or an ___ flight?
   B: There is a flight leaving ___ 17:55 in the afternoon. That would ___ the most convenient.
   A: OK.
  2. A: ___ this seat taken?
   B: Not yet.
   A: Excuse me, ___ what time does the train arrive ___ Chongqing?
   B: At about 3:16, and it will stop there
  ___ 8 minutes.
   A: That sounds good. Thank you.
  3. A: ___ this bus go to Centre Park?
   B: ___, it’s for the TV Factory.
   A: ___ bus should I catch, please?
   B: You may ___ Bus No. 105.
第一部分 听力 (30分)  第一节 (7.5分)  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。  1. What does the woman mean?  A. The man can correct his mistake later. B. The man can'
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