The Effects of Globalization

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  【中圖分类号】F270;F275 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)27-0009-01
  In my opinion, globalization will produce inequality and poverty.
  1.As for inequality, I focus on three parts:income inequalities,health inequalities, inequalities on culture.
  (1)Though absolute poverty fell from 40% to 21% from 1998-2001 and 6.3 million people on earth live on less than US$2 per day in 2003, the poorest 50% of the world’s population accounting for just 5%the global income and 20% of the population own 80% of the world’s wealth and rich countries accumulated wealth at a much faster rate than poor countries. From this, as the globalization develops, people gets richer, but not for all. The gap between the wealthy and the poor becomes bigger. The wealthier the wealthy become, the poorer the poor become.That is to say, the gap between the rich and the poor widens.There are two reasons . First, the imbalance of profit distribution. Second, depreciation of exchange. It worsens the trade condition. Globalization brings about income inequalities.
  (2)As for health inequality, study shows that 1 billion suffered from malnutrition and lack of portable water,2.4 billion have no access to sanitation. There are double jeopardy?鄄burdens of communicable and non?鄄communicable diseases especially for developing countries.Globalization fosters increased flow of goods and people around the world.Paradoxically, it helps spread infectious disease.Therefore, under the tendency of globalization, people get healthier,but not for all. Besides, globalization does serious harm to environment. The competitions between countries and corporations cause great damage to environment. The global trade develops at the expense of environment,which speed up the resource consumption and threaten biological diversity system. From the two points,we can say the globalization produce the health inequality.
  (3)The inequality is also demonstrated in the perspective of culture immersion such as the loss of talents and more attention to foreign festivals. Some students study abroad and settle down after graduation. Some scholars are willing to go abroad and emigrate because of high salary and generous welfare. Besides, people like to spend foreign festival and ignore our native festival.The inequality is the result of globalization.
  2.For economic growth, globalization does more good to developed countries than developing countries. Globalization impoverishes developing countries in three aspects.   (1)Free flow of capital leads to influx of hot money and flight of skilled labor&private capital out of country. To the extent,the influx of investment goes against the domestic industry. The multinational corporations occupy more excellent talents and high technology,which can help them obtain more benefit in the competition.
  (2)Globalization increases vulnerability to external economic shock for developing countries in time of crisis.Because of closer interaction, integration and interdependence among nations,international institutions and global corporations, it is easy to be influenced.Economic  crisis become common and unavoidable.
  (3)Global cheap?鄄labor economy and the search for new markets led to massive loss of jobs. With the globalization, the high?鄄level technologies attract more attention of the nation and corporations.Some corporations are willing to spend more money in recruiting talents from abroad, unskilled or unqualified domestic labors very likely to be unemployed.
  Therefore, in conclusion, globalization brings about the inequality and poverty. As a developing country, we should seize the opportunity and meet the challenges. Meanwhile, we should make concerted effort to lower our risk and avoid the shortcomings.
【摘 要】汉语的学习,对普及文化教育、提高全民素质、发展社会经济、促进各民族之间的交流沟通具有积极性作用。学习汉语对少数民族学生而言具有非常重要的作用。针对这样一种情况,汉语教师如何提高课堂教学,对教学具有非常重要的作用。本文就对此进行简单分析。  【关键词】汉语课堂;提高;教学  【中图分类号】G40 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)21-  0.引言  我国属于一个