抓住金融体制改革的有利时机 扩大融资渠道 加速汽车工业发展

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我国的金融体制改革,正在积极展开和稳步推进之中。这一改革的深化和新的金融体制的逐步确立,已经和将会对整个国民经济的发展产生重大作用和深远影响。本文仅就如何抓住金融体制改革的有利时机,扩大融资渠道,加速汽车工业的发展,提出如下看法:一、我国汽车工业发展目标和资金需求的基本概况我国的汽车工业,是从1953年第一汽车制造厂建厂时开始起步的,到1993年已经经历了40个年头。在这40年艰难而又曲折的发展过程中,中央、地方和企业先 The reform of China’s financial system is being carried out actively and steadily. The deepening of this reform and the gradual establishment of a new financial system have had and will have a significant and far-reaching impact on the development of the entire national economy. This article only on how to seize the favorable opportunity of financial system reform, expand financing channels, accelerate the development of automobile industry, put forward the following view: First, China’s automobile industry development goals and funding requirements of the basic overview of China’s automobile industry, from 1953 A car factory started its construction, and by 1993 has gone through 40 years. In these 40 years of difficult and tortuous development, the Central Government, local governments and enterprises first
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