
来源 :大众文艺(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juyexia
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原文选段:Science fiction is not so much a genre as it is a set of tools, and these tools will allow you freedoms that no other form of literature will. I once wrote a story set in the aftermath of an unimaginable cataclysm which had reversed the direction of memory, so that everyone knew everything that Original selection: Science fiction is not so much a genre as it is a set of tools, and these tools will allow you freedoms that no other form of literature will. I once wrote a story set in the aftermath of an unimaginable cataclysm which did unimaginable the direction of memory, so that everyone knew everything that
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如果说起法国作曲家比才[Bizet Georges1838--1875],人们自然而然的就会想起歌剧《卡门》[《CARMEN》]这部不朽之作。它是根据法国作家梅里美[Prosper Merimee1803--1871]184
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