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1986年9月在乌拉圭的埃斯特角城召开的关贸总协定部长会议发动了第七轮多边贸易谈判,即乌拉圭回合.这一谈判是人类有史以来最大的贸易谈判,共设置了关税、非关税措施;热带产品、自然资源产品、纺织品和服装、农产品、补贴和反补贴措施;以及与贸易有关的知识产权问题;与贸易有关的投资措施;服务贸易等15个议题.与关贸总协定前七轮谈判不同的是,过去谈判只涉及货物贸易部门,而乌拉圭回合谈判除了货物贸易外,还在发达国家的积极推动下,增加了服务贸易、投资措施和知识产权这三项关贸总协定从未涉足的新领域.这三项议题与世界经济、国际贸易的最新发展密切相关,涉及到世界各国的切身利益,而发展中国家和发达国家这两大阵营之间的对立尤为明显.本文试就乌拉圭回合这三项新议题上发展中国家与发达国家的对立观点加以概况和分析.以供借鉴和参考,不当之处,敬希 The GATT ministerial meeting held in Punta del Este, Uruguay, in September 1986 launched the seventh round of multilateral trade talks, the Uruguay Round. This negotiation is the largest trade negotiation ever held by mankind. Non-tariff measures; tropical products, natural resources products, textiles and clothing, agricultural products, subsidies and countervailing measures; and trade-related intellectual property issues; trade-related investment measures; trade in services and other 15 topics. The difference in the first seven rounds of negotiations is that in the past negotiations only involved the goods trade sector. In addition to the trade in goods, the Uruguay Round negotiations also increased the three G&A trades, service trade, and intellectual property rights under the active promotion of developed countries. New areas that the General Agreement has never been involved in. These three issues are closely related to the latest developments in the world economy and international trade. They involve the vital interests of all countries in the world, and the opposition between the two camps in developing and developed countries is particularly obvious. This article tries to give an overview and analysis of the opposing viewpoints of developing countries and developed countries on the three new issues of the Uruguay Round. And reference, inappropriate, Jing Xi
集装箱运输是现代化的运输方式,属于成组运输中的高级形态。它是国际贸易货物运输高度发展的必然产物。人们将集装箱运输称为运输领域的一场革命。50年代中期, Container t
我有一个装满我记忆的珍宝 盒,里面珍藏着我生活中的点点 滴滴。打开它,往事如流水潺潺、 轻烟袅袅地浮现在我的眼前。一直 以来我都有一个心愿:我很想很想 有一双翅膀,因为
人教版(实验)九年级下册第4单元作文:要求:自选一段乐曲或一首流行音乐,反复聆听,选好一个角度,写一篇文章,立意自定,题目自拟,体裁自选,字数不限。 PEP (Experimental) Gr