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当雪龙船航行到北纬75.46度、西经158度时,被广阔的北冰洋冰原阻挡。这是多日以来遇到的最大一块浮冰。雪龙船在连续破冰前进了200多米后,领队决定停船进行做冰站考察。极地专家陈波站在甲板上望着大片的浮冰对我说,别看这冰面很大,可是你看破出的冰也就是一米多厚,支持不了多久,而且在现在的气候条件下,这些浮冰形成一个强大的吸热场,阳 When the Selatan sailing to 75.46 degrees north latitude, 158 degrees west longitude, was blocked by the vast Arctic ice sheet. This is the largest ice piece ever encountered in many days. Snow Dragon boat in a row more than 200 meters after breaking the ice, the leader decided to stop doing ice station inspection. Polar expert Chen Bo standing on the deck looking at a large piece of ice floated to me, do not look at this ice is very large, but you see the ice is broken one meter thick, can not support how long, but also in the current climate conditions These ice floes form a strong endothermic field, yang
唯有历经锤炼,方能成就自我。One day in a shop a couple sawa beautiful teacup.They said,“Maywe see that?We’ve never seen onequite so beautiful.”As a lady hande
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设计这张封面的时候我还没大学毕业。当时刚从云南采风回来就接到谢的电话,说他们要在SO ROCK发一张唱片,让我帮设计下封面。认识谢很久了,也知道他为了音乐的付出。这注定不
今年的纽约时尚周依然给人带来不少惊喜,从万众瞩目的 Jennifer Lopez 处女秀,大师 Ralph Lauren、Calvin Klein 的接班人 Francisco Costa 的第四度发布会,到 Chado RalphR
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