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一、调整企财险保险责任的必要性及方法(一)调整企财险保险责任的必要性保险责任是指保险单载明的危险发生造成标的损失或约定人身保险事件发生时,保险人在保险金额限度内应付的经济赔偿或给付保险金的责任。我国现行企财险条款的保险责任几乎包揽了自然界的一切灾害,成为“通天责任”条款。这种“通天责任”在计划经济体制下是可行的,而在市场经济体制下,却不能完全适应保险市场业务竞争的需要,应该进行调整。理由是:1、“通天责任”易造成理解的误区。由于企财险条款把许多地区性、季节性的灾害全部列为基本责任,在全国统一执行,对被保险人所面临的风险缺少针对性。如我国北方的内陆省份不会发生海啸灾害,但条款却负责海啸责任;我国南方沿海省份不会发生冰凌灾害,但条款有冰凌责任。这样做保险人认为是扩大了对被保险人的保障范围,可被保险人却认为本地区不会发生的灾害,应列为除外责任,现列为保险责任必然就多收保险费,而增加了企业的额外负担。这样容易造成理解的误区。 First, the necessity and methods of adjusting the insurance liability of the enterprise (a) the necessity of adjusting the insurance liability of the enterprise insurance Insurance liability means that when the danger of the insurance policy causes the loss of the subject matter or the stipulation of the life insurance event, the insurer Financial liability payable or financial benefits payable within the limits of the insured amount. The insurance liability of the current clauses of our country’s PICC insurance covers almost all the disasters in nature and becomes the “responsibility” clause. This kind of “blame-day responsibility” is feasible under the planned economy. Under the market economy, however, it can not fully meet the needs of the competition in the insurance market and should be adjusted. The reasons are: 1, “Babel responsibility ” easily lead to misunderstandings. Due to the provisions of the PICC property insurance, many regional and seasonal disasters are all listed as basic responsibilities and implemented uniformly throughout the country, which lacks the pertinence of the risks facing the insured. For example, the tsunami disaster will not occur in the inland provinces of the north of our country, but the articles are in charge of the tsunami. There will be no ice disaster in the southern coastal provinces of our country, but the articles have ice cream responsibility. In this regard, the insurer considers it is to extend the scope of coverage of the insured person, but the insured person does not think the disaster in the region should be classified as the exclusion of responsibility, is now included in the insurance liability insurance policy will inevitably increase, and increased The extra burden on the business. This easily lead to misunderstandings.
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作物生长发育的中后期进行叶面喷肥,不仅能弥补根系吸收养分的不足,而且肥效快、利用率高,可作为作物脱肥或早衰的补救措施。进行叶面喷肥,应注意以下几个问题: 1、注意选用
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外经贸事业关系到国家经济 的发展和所有涉外企业的经营。本 文作者就经贸工作现状与吸收外 资的经验、作法、前景、方法作出 权威性的回答。 加快向国际规范靠拢 十四年来,
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