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为探讨动物实验中红外热成象方法应用的可能性,对家兔的全身、某些器官和和部位、除去皮毛后的皮肤、以及针灸后家兔一些部位的温度变化进行了红外热图象观察。观察结果显示:(1)自然状态下家兔全身温度由高至低的部位依次为:眼球、耳廓、鼻尖、四肢末端、头部和驱干。(2)眼球表面由边缘向中心温度逐渐变低;除去皮毛后家兔的皮肤温度分布均匀,热图象的显示较为理想。(3)针灸穴位后,背部、眼球表面和耳廓出现了不同程度的升温反应,其中以艾灸肾俞穴后的背部和针刺耳尖穴后同侧的耳廓升温反应较强。观察结果说明,红外热成象方法能够用于动物温度分布的实验观察中,也可用于针灸原理的动物实验中 In order to explore the possibility of application of infrared thermography in animal experiments, the infrared images of the whole body, some organs and parts of rabbits, the skin after removing the fur and the temperature changes of some parts of rabbits after acupuncture were studied. Observed. The results showed that: (1) In the natural state, the parts of body temperature in descending order of body temperature were as follows: eyeball, auricle, nose tip, extremities, head and dryness. (2) The temperature of the eye surface gradually decreases from the edge to the center, and the rabbit skin temperature is evenly distributed after removal of the fur, which shows the thermal image is more ideal. (3) After acupuncture point, the back, the surface of the eye and the auricle appeared different degrees of warming reaction, among them the moxibustion Shenshu acupoints on the back and the acupuncture points ear ipsilateral auricle after a strong warming reaction. Observations show that the infrared thermography method can be used in the experimental observation of animal temperature distribution can also be used in animal experiments acupuncture principle
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