“西部大开发 重庆大发展 我们怎么办”笔谈

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西部大开发,是一个大战略、大机遇,也是一个大挑战,对西部各省、市、区更是一篇大文章。人者见仁,志者见有。特别是在我国即将加入WTO之际,中央作出实施西部大开发战略,具有十分重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。它既关系到综合国力的提升和人民生活质量的提升,也关系到国家的稳定,民族的团结和祖国的统一。各级政府站在一个怎样的层面思考问题,这非常重要。严格讲,抓住西部开发这个大机遇比什么都重要。抓住机遇,全面调整自己,以适应经济全球化的趋势,这是问题的关键。我们制定发展战略,不能仅局限于一个地区或一个区域去思考问题,而必须从全国,从世界的角度去思考问题。在经济全球化的今天,只有从区域、全国和世界的高度去思考问题才是有意义的。因为任何一个地区的经济都是世界经济的一部分,他的产品必须参与世界竞争,他的商品必须从一般品牌提升到文化品牌和名牌,才有可能成为世界的品牌,只有当其品牌成为世界品牌之后,才谈得上国家的民族品牌。在世纪之交.西部大开发,加入WTO的大背景下,我们的决策者们,必须具有超常规的思维方式,实事求是.解放思想,更新观念.开拓创新,才能用大手笔做好西部大开发这篇大文章。 The large-scale development of the western region is a grand strategy and a big opportunity. It is also a major challenge. It is also a big article for the provinces, cities and districts in the west. People see the kernel, see those who see. Especially when our country is about to join the WTO, the Central Government’s strategy of implementing the strategy of developing the western region is of great practical significance and far-reaching historic significance. It relates not only to the improvement of comprehensive national strength and the improvement of people’s living standards, but also to the stability of the country, the unity of the nation and the unification of the motherland. It is very important that governments at all levels consider the issue at what level. Strictly speaking, seizing the great opportunity of developing the west is more important than anything. Seizing the opportunity and fully adjusting ourselves to the trend of economic globalization is the crux of the issue. We should formulate a development strategy that can not be confined to one region or one region to think about the issue but must consider the issue from a national perspective and from a global perspective. In the current economic globalization, it is only meaningful to think about the issue from the perspective of the region, the country and the world. Because the economy of any one region is part of the world economy, his products must compete in the world. His products must be promoted from the general brand to the cultural brand and the famous brand. Only then can the brand become the world brand. Only when the brand becomes the world brand After that, can we talk about the national brand. At the turn of the century. Under the background of the large-scale development of the western region and accession to the WTO, our policy-makers must have unconventional ways of thinking and seek truth from facts. Emancipate the mind, update ideas. Only by pioneering and innovating can we do a good job of using this generous piece to make a big development of the western region.