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吗丁啉(Domperidone,多潘力酮)作为一种新型胃动力药和止吐剂,近年来在临床上广泛应用,主要用胃排空延缓症,疗效比较理想,但服用后出现溢乳现象屡有报告.据不完全统计,近5年国内报告有50例之多.动物实验表明.吗丁啉可使动物血清中泌乳素含量增加,为了探讨吗丁啉在临床上的泌乳作用,进行了本次实验研究,结果报告如下.1 材料与方法研究对象为1993年11月1日~1994年9月30日住院分娩者,孕龄在37周及以上,年龄在23~30岁之间.阴道分娩,无任何合并症及并发症,也无任何内分泌疾病的初产妇.用随机分组的方法将实验对象分为用药组、服用传统药物组和对照组三组共120例.用盲法测量和收集资料、填写调查表.为控制混杂因素的影响,对产妇的职业、文化程度、产前用药、围产期饮食、个人烟酒嗜好及胎次进行了调查.测量分娩时的体重,调查产前24小时内睡眠时间.除此之外,要求新生儿体重在2500克及以上、阿氏评分大于等于7分、无畸形、吸吮力正常者方可用于分析. Domperidone (domperidone, domperidone) as a new gastric motility agent and antiemetic, in recent years widely used in clinical, mainly with delayed gastric emptying, the effect is ideal, but after taking the phenomenon of galactorrhea repeatedly There are reports.According to incomplete statistics, nearly five years, as many as 50 cases of domestic reports.Experimental studies have shown that the activity of morphine can increase the serum prolactin levels in animals, in order to explore the clinical lactation of the role of domperidone The experimental study, the results reported as follows.1 Materials and methods of study for the November 1, 1993 to September 30, 1994 in hospital delivery, gestational age at 37 weeks and above, aged between 23 to 30 years old. Vaginal delivery, without any complications and complications, but also without any endocrine diseases of primipara .Short divisions of the subjects were divided into medication group, taking traditional medicine group and control group, a total of 120 cases with a random method to measure And collect information, fill out the questionnaire.In order to control the impact of confounding factors, maternal occupation, educational level, prenatal medication, perinatal diet, alcohol and tobacco personal preferences and parity were investigated. Prenatal sleep within 24 hours. This addition is required in 2500 g birth weight or more, Apgar score 7 or more points, no deformity, normal sucking force only for analysis.
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伏马菌素B2在雄性BDIX大鼠体内的毒代动力学[英]/ShephardGS…∥FoodChemToxicol.-1995,33(7).-591~595伏马菌素B2(FB2)是串珠镰刀菌(Fusariummonili-forme)的二级代谢产物,具有较... Toxicokinetics of fumonisin B2 in male BDIX rats [English] / Shephard GS ..
从华钩藤(Uncaria sinensis(Oliv.)Havil)的乙醇溶液中分离得到8个化合物,经波谱学方法并与已知样品对照段鉴定为:β-谷甾醇(1)、胡萝卜苷(2)、翅果定碱(3)、乌苏酸(4)、丁香