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二月,是入春回暖的时节。许多海外的大牌们纷纷杀进了国内乐坛制造盛事,各种音乐会演唱会如同萌芽般层出不穷。在地铁站和公交车上印着的艾薇儿演唱会海报,一定让许多朋克迷们按捺不住兴奋的心情。小天后亲临皇城,我们将用镇头对准这场情人节的盛宴。而在无数个舞台晚会的洗礼下,音乐界也被人们看到了许多有意思的事情,一个走音,是偶然的失误抑或岁月的痕迹?仅仅因为一首歌,便让这位大腕级歌手成为了年轻人茶余饭后的谈资。这不仅只是一个话题,同时也映射出一些值得思考的问题。谁知道这扇门后,隐藏的会是什么?现在就让我们打开眼界,窥其一斑,翻开新的篇章,进入一场音乐界的旅行。 February is the spring season. Many overseas big names have been killed in the domestic music industry to create events, concert concerts like a budding after another. Avril children live in the subway station and bus concert posters, must allow many punk fans uncontrollable excitement. Small days visit the Imperial City, we will use the town head alignment of this Valentine’s Day feast. And in countless stage baptism, the music industry has also been seen many interesting things, a walk, is a chance of errors or traces of the years? Just because of a song, let the big-name singer became Talk to young people after gossip This is not just a topic, but also reflects some worth thinking. Who knows what this hidden door would be? Now, let’s open our eyes and see through it, turn a new chapter into a musical journey.
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