厚德载物,青史留名 “我是中国人民的儿子,我深情地爱着我的祖国和人民!” 这是一位伟大政治家发自内心的肺腑之言,他本来的名字叫做邓希贤,而我们喜欢亲切地称呼他“小平”。 翻开泱泱中华厚重的历史书卷,各具形态的政治家难以胜数。从略输文采的秦皇汉武到稍逊风骚的唐宗宋祖;从一代天骄成吉思汗到盛世清朝的康熙乾隆;从“国贼”袁世凯到国父孙中山;从背信弃义的蒋介石到开创新中国的毛泽东……说不完的历史,道不清的功过。 古往今来的政治家们大都希望并尽
“I am the son of the Chinese people, and I am deeply in love with my motherland and the people!” This is a heartfelt statement made by a great statesman. His original name was Deng Xixian, and we Like affectionately called him “Xiaoping.” Opened up a thick history of Chinese books, various forms of politicians difficult to count. From the Qin Emperor Hanwu, who skimmed his literary talent for a little, to the less prestigious Tang Emperor Song Zu; Emperor Kangxi from the Tianjiao to the Spiritful Emperor Qianlong; from the “national thief” Yuan Shikai to Sun Yat-sen; from treacherous Chiang Kai-shek to Mao Zedong who pioneered the new China ... Endless history, unclear merits. Most of the politicians from all over the world want to do everything