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前些时笔者参加部分省市决策咨询网络年会,有幸拜访了我国著名经济学家吴敬琏教授.吴教授就改革、发展、经济增长方式转变等问题讲了自己的意见.现整理于后,以飨读者.范:吴先生,先请您从总体上谈谈我国的经济改革.吴:过去十几年,中国的经济改革和经济发展,都取得了举世公认的成就.国际经济学界对中国为什么能取得这么大成绩众说纷纭.一种很有影响的看法是,成功的原因在于采取了“渐进主义”的改革战略.我认为,这种判断并不符合中国实际,中国改革在前期取得很大成绩主要是采取了一种“体制外先行”的改革战略,也可以称为“增量改革”的战略.就是说在计划体制的核心部分 Some time ago, the author participated in the annual meeting of some provinces and cities in decision-making consultation network and had the honor to visit Professor Wu Jinglian, a famous economist in our country. Professor Wu gave his own opinions on such issues as reform, development and transformation of economic growth mode. Mr. Wu: First of all, please talk about China’s economic reform in general. Wu: In the past ten years or so, China’s economic reform and economic development have all achieved universally recognized achievements. Why is the international economic community’s opinion on China? A very influential view is that the reason for the success lies in adopting a “gradualist” reform strategy, which I think is not in line with China’s reality and has achieved great results in the early days of China’s reform It is mainly a strategy of reform that is “pre-emptive” and also a strategy of “incremental reform.” That is, at the heart of the planning system
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