A comparative study of the properties of TiN films deposited by MAIP and FCAP

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In this study two types of TiN films were prepared, one using the filtered cathodic arc plasma (FC AP) technique with an in-plane S filier, and the other using the multi-arc ion-plating (MAIP), and both deposited under the same parameters. Comparisons of the texture, hardness, roughness, tribological and electrochemical corrosion behaviors of the two types of TiN films were given. The TiN films obtained by the FCAP technology were found to be highly uniform, smooth and macroparticle-free. The TiN films deposited by FCAP had a (111) preferred orientation, while there was no texture in the films deposited by MAIP. Under low load the two kinds of TiN coatings had very different wear mechanisms; the films of FCAP had a lower wear rate and friction coefficient compared with the TiN films deposited by the MAIP technique. The dense and hole-free structure of TiN films of FCAP could effectively avoid the avalanche of TiN films from the substrate during corrosion tests.
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