Effect of hypertonic saline solution on the left ventricular functions of isolated hearts from burne

来源 :中华创伤杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fsdgvii
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To study the effect of hypertonic saline solution on the left ventricular functions of isolated hearts from burned rats. Methods: Thirty-six Wistar rats were used and divided into 4 groups: (1) normal hearts perfused with isotonic Krebs-Henseleit solution; (2) normal hearts perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution which contained 215 mmol/L Na+; (3) hearts of rats suffered from 25% TBSA third degree burn and perfused with isotonic Krebs-Henseleit solution; (4) hearts of the burned rats perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution which contained 215 mmol/L Na+. The systolic and diastolic functions of the left ventricle were observed.Results: During perfusion, there were very short periods of decrease in heart systolic and diastolic functions at first, but they recovered very soon and even became stronger than normal both in the normal and burned rats. The systolic and diastolic functions of the hearts increased very significantly when the perfusion solution was changed to isotonic solution from the hypertonic solutions. The effect of the hypertonic saline solution on the ventricular systolic and diastolic improvements was stronger in the hearts of the burned rats than that in the normal hearts.Conclusions: Hypertonic saline solution can directly affect myocardium and significantly improve the ventricular systolic and diastolic functions, especially in the hearts of the burned rats.
慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease,COPD)呼吸衰竭患者为罹患肺结核的高危人群 [1 ] ,二者合并存在时 ,肺结核临床表现常被掩盖 ,故极易漏诊或误诊。
目的探讨带锁髓内钉固定在股骨转子周围骨折中的应用价值以及相关并发症的防治.方法回顾分析了自 1993年 12月至 2001年 9月间作者收治的 180例( 181髋)经髓内钉治疗的转子周
1 病例报告患者,男,64岁,因脐下反复流脓一年余入院.追问病史:一年前因"慢性胆囊炎,胆囊结石"在外院行腹腔镜胆囊切除术,术后脐下孔感染并形成腹壁脓肿,急诊行脓肿切开引流,