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时光的列车在二十世纪的最后十年中迅疾地奔驰着,世纪末的车站已隐约可见.此时,如有意对整个90年代的中国文学做一次回眸与凝望,我们可发现;虽然文学似乎失去了新时期最初的那种轰动效应,虽然好像仍没有出现一部足以流芳百代、译破后世的经典之作,虽然在奔腾的文学之流中夹杂着喧哗与躁动的泡沫,潜伏着多欲和迷失的泥沙,但是,我们仍可以说,90年代的中国文学较之新时期的最初十年,无论是从广度、还是从深度上讲,都正在向前有力地发展着.在这个活动中,各种新的倾向与选择纷纷涌现.而女性创作的繁荣,则为其中一个比较引人瞩目的现象.单以小说家为例,就可以列出下面一大串名单:王安忆、池莉、方方、赵玫、铁凝、毕淑敏、陈染、林白、徐坤、迟子建……在这些女性小说家中,有的继续采用传统的“男性话语”从事创作,凭着勤奋努力和不凡才华赢得了人们的赞誉,如王安忆、池莉等;有的则有意识地尝试以女性主义的视角来思考和写作,虽然她们目前的成就似乎还不是很高,但因其前卫、边缘性的女性叙事态度,在90年代的女性写作中体现出了一种鲜活的生命力,故而一直也很受批评家的青睐,比如陈染、林白等.本文对以上两类人们业已论述甚多的女性创作没有什么兴趣,将试图讨论的是介于以上认同男性话语传统和拒绝认同这两 The train of time runs fast in the last decade of the twentieth century, and the stations at the end of the century are already vaguely visible. At this time, if we are interested in looking back and looking at Chinese literature throughout the 1990s, we can find that although literature seems to have lost Although the initial sensationalism of the new period did not seem to have emerged as a classic that could flow through the world for centuries, although there was a bubble of frothing and restlessness in the stream of literature, Lost sediment, however, we can still say that the Chinese literature of the 1990s was moving forward energetically both in terms of breadth and depth compared with the first decade of the new era. , A variety of new tendencies and choices have emerged, while the prosperity of women’s creation is one of the more striking phenomenon.On the novelist as an example, you can list the following list: Wang Anyi, Chi Li, Fang Fang , Zhao Mei, Tie Ning, Bi Shumin, Chen Ran, Lin Bai, Xu Kun, Chi Zijian ...... In these female novelists, some continue to use the traditional “male discourse” engaged in creation, with hard work and extraordinary Hua won the praise of people such as Wang Anyi and Chi Li; while others consciously tried to think and write from the perspective of feminism. Although their present achievements may not yet be very high, their avant-garde and marginal narratives of women Attitudes, reflected in the women’s writing in the 90’s a vivid vitality, it has also been very popular critics, such as Chen Ran, Lin White, etc. This article on the above two types of people have already discussed a lot of women’s creation There is no interest in what will be tried to discuss is the recognition of male discourse between the above traditions and the rejection of identity
西部大开发 ,对云南公安交通管理工作既是机遇 ,也是挑战。结合云南公安交通管理工作的实际 ,在西部大开发中 ,紧紧围绕云南的“三大战略” ,深化公安交通管理改革 ,全面推动
 一、充分认识新形势下以德治警的重要性和紧迫性   江泽民总书记在今年全国宣传部长会议上的讲话中指出:“我们在建设有中国特色社会主义,发展社会主义市场经济的过程中,要
坚持党对公安工作的绝对领导   记者:贾部长,中国共产党成立 80年来,带领全国各族人民走过了一条波澜壮阔的 发 展道路,取得了巨大的历史性成就。公安机关同样走过了一条不平凡