
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qh12121312
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〔本刊讯〕中国设备管理协会第三次年会于1989年12月6日至8日在北京召开。这次年会的中心内容是:1.贯彻党的十三届四中、五中全会精神,贯彻执行洽理整顿和深化改革的方针,总结1986年第二次年会以来的工作并交流经验;深入贯彻国务院发布的《全民所有制工业交通企业设备管理条例》,推进设备管理现代化,研究提出协会的今后任务。2.修改中国设备管理协会章程。3.换届改选、组成第三届理事会。 出席这次会议的有第三届理事会的全体理事,地方、部门协会和特邀单位的代表共150余人。 国家计委副主任叶青、中国工业经济协会会长吕东、中国企业管理协会会长袁宝华,以及国务院重大办、国有资产管理局、国家计委生产调度局的有关负责同志出席了年会开幕式。 年会开幕式由中国设备管理协会副会长徐驰主持。会上,国家计委副主任叶青作了题为 The third annual meeting of China Association for Facility Management was held in Beijing from December 6th to 8th, 1989. The central contents of this annual meeting are: 1. To implement the spirit of the Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 13th CPC Central Committee, implement the guidelines for negotiating and rectifying and deepening reforms, summarizing the work since the second annual meeting of 1986 and exchanging experiences In-depth implementation of the State Council issued the “National Ownership-Based Industrial Transport Equipment Management Regulations” to promote the modernization of equipment management, study and put forward the Association’s future tasks. 2. Amend the regulations of the China Equipment Management Association. 3. Re-election to form the third session of the Council. At the meeting, there were all the directors of the third council, and there were more than 150 representatives from local, departmental associations, and special invited units. Ye Qing, deputy director of the State Planning Commission; Lu Dong, president of the China Industrial Economic Association; Yuan Baohua, president of the China Enterprise Management Association; and relevant responsible comrades of the State Council’s major office, the State-owned Assets Administration Bureau, and the State Planning Commission Production Dispatching Bureau attended the opening of the annual meeting. formula. The opening ceremony of the annual meeting was hosted by Xu Chi, vice president of the China Equipment Management Association. At the meeting, Ye Qing, deputy director of the State Planning Commission, made a paper entitled
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人们对《诗经》的认识大多停留在那些缠绵的爱情诗句上,但是《诗经》的内容之丰富远远超过我们的想象,《诗经》反映了劳动与爱情、战争与徭役、压迫与反抗、风俗与婚姻、祭祖与宴会,甚至天象、地貌、动物、植物等方方面面的内容,现辑一组和动物相关的诗句,体验一下古代人是如何托物言志的。  鹤鸣于九皋,声闻于野。鱼潜在渊,或在于渚。乐彼之园,爰有树檀,其下维萚。他山之石,可以为错。  鹤鸣于九皋,声闻于天。鱼在于
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