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随着改革开放的不断深入和社会主义市场经济的逐步建立,我国政治、经济、文化等各个领域都发生了深刻的变化,反腐败斗争也出现了许多新情况、新问题.因此,在查办案件中必须树立正确的观念:一、要树立“纪检监察机关集中力量查办大案要案”的观念.集中力量查处大案要案,把查处有影响的大案要案作为办案的重点,是根据反腐败斗争形势和办案力量的实际提出来的.当前,消极腐败现象仍处在高发期,大案要案的发案率呈上升趋势.就经济案件来讲,涉及干部的职级越来越高,金额越来越大,这是一个方面.另一方面,由于种种原因,纪检监察机关查办案件的经费、设备、人员、手段等与办案的实际需要差距较大,办案力量明显不足,这种状况在短期内不可能得到根本改变.解决这一矛盾的有效办法之一,就是把有限的力量集中使用到确实需要查办的案件上,特别是大案要案上来.只有集中力量查办一些有影响的大案要案,才能有效遏制腐败现象,使反腐败斗争取得成效.去年年初,江泽民同志曾要求,纪检监察机关“要集中力量查大案”,这是对当前反腐败工作,特别是办案工作提出的明确要求.我们必须严格按照这个要求,把查办大案要实摆在突出位置,集中力量,协调一致,全力以赴查处大案要案,从整体上推动查办案件的工作不断取得新的更大的成效. With the deepening of the reform and opening up and the gradual establishment of a socialist market economy, profound changes have taken place in various fields such as politics, economy and culture in our country, and many new situations and problems have emerged in the anti-corruption struggle. Therefore, We must establish a correct concept: First, we must establish a “discipline inspection and supervision organs to focus on investigating and handling major cases” concept .Focused on investigating and handling major cases, the investigation and handling of major cases of influence as the focus of the case, is based on the fight against corruption The actual situation put forward by the situation and the power of handling cases.Currently, the phenomenon of negative corruption is still in high incidence period, the incidence of major cases is on the rise.In terms of economic cases, cadres involved in the ranks of higher and higher, more and more On the other hand, due to various reasons, the discipline inspection and prosecuting authorities have found that the funds, equipment, personnel, and means for investigating and handling cases are far from the actual needs for handling cases and the force for handling cases is obviously insufficient. This situation is expected to be short-term Can not be fundamentally changed.One of the effective ways to solve this contradiction is to focus the limited power on the cases that really need to be investigated, Only by concentrating on investigating some influential major cases can we effectively curb corruption and make the fight against corruption a success. Earlier last year, Comrade Jiang Zemin requested that discipline inspection and supervision organs "should concentrate on investigating major cases, This is a clear request made on the current anti-corruption work, especially the handling of cases, and we must strictly follow this requirement and put the major cause of investigation and handling in a prominent position in order to concentrate our efforts and make concerted efforts to investigate and deal with major cases. As a whole, the work of promoting the investigation and handling of cases has continuously made new and greater achievements.
摘 要:政府改革财政税务制度不仅会对我国的经济发展造成影响,同时又影响着各企业财政管理的内部制度,进而企业的发展又对我国国民的经济水平造成影响。文章分析了财政税务制度的改革给企业财务管理所带来的影响以及企业加强财政管理工作的相关措施。  关键词:财政税务制度;改革;企业财务管理;影响;措施  通过调控财政税务制度进而实现对我国市场经济的宏观调控,这一途径对我国的经济发展和社会进步起着至为关键的推动
随着时代的不断发展,人们对电脑的追求不再局限于性能的提高,而是把眼光投向了环保,噪音、能耗、有害物质……这些我们在几年前都还不在意的问题逐渐为越来越多的电脑用户所关注。  计算机能耗问题已经受到国际社会的普遍关注。据统计,一台奔腾4电脑每小时耗电约为0.15千瓦,每个工作日约耗电1.2千瓦。对网吧、办公楼等场所来说,连续工作时间较长,每天电脑要“吃”掉多少电量就可想而知了。  那怎样才能让电脑省电
江泽民同志在十五大报告中重提并强调:“我们讲一切从实际出发,最大的实际就是中国现在处于并将长时期处于社会主义初级阶段。” 正是由于我国处于社会主义初级阶段的现实,
摘要:作业布置是教学活动的一个重要环节,也是文化知识获得的一个重要环节,能够帮助学生巩固所学知识。在历史教学之中,历史知识琐碎而繁多,尤其需要学生课下掌握。教师在教学过程中要注重作业的布置,让学生在完成作业的过程中体验到历史学习的乐趣。  关键词:作业布置;初中历史;激发兴趣  中图分类号:G633.5文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)03-042-1  “前事不忘,后事之师
黎仰安,江汉大学教育学院教授、副院长, 1948年8月出生,湖南省浏阳人。1981年毕业于武汉师范学院汉口分部物理系,1986年9月至1987年7月在华中师范大学物理系进修硕士课程,199