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在小学生中是否能够和怎样进行阶级教育?汉沽第一小学的经验是一次很成功的探索。该校根据实际情况和儿童特点,采取由近及远,由浅入深,循序前进的方法,以阶级教育为纲,逐步加强了对学生的思想政治教育,取得了显著的效果。这些经验虽然还是初步的,还需要在这个基础上继续摸索,继续加以发展提高,但已经给了我们很大启发,值得我们重视和学习。除了对工农子女要进行阶级教育外,对剝削阶级子女也要抓住具体事实进行耐心的正面教育,使他们懂得剝削人、压迫人的可耻,鼓励和帮助他们克服剝削阶级思想影响,站到工人和贫农、下中农方面来,立志做革命的接班人。不要因为他们出身于剝削阶级家庭就歧视他们。进行阶级教育时应该加强领导,不能简单从事。这些方面的经验,还希望大家进一步进行总结。 Can primary school students and how to carry out class education? Hangu Primary School experience is a very successful exploration. Based on the actual situation and the characteristics of children, the school adopted a method of moving from near to far, from shallow to deep, and proceeding in a step-by-step manner. Taking class education as the key link, the university gradually strengthened its ideological and political education and achieved remarkable results. Although these experiences are still preliminary, we still need to continue exploring this basis and continue to develop and improve them. However, we have given us great inspiration and deserve our attention and study. In addition to class education for workers and peasants and children, the exploiting class children should also take concrete facts into a patient and positive education so that they understand the shame of exploiting and oppressing people, encouraging and helping them to overcome the ideological influence of the exploiting class, And poor peasants, under the middle peasants, determined to be a successor to the revolution. Do not discriminate against them because they came from the exploiting class families. When conducting class education, we should strengthen leadership and can not simply do it. Experience in these areas, but also hope that we can further summarize.
柳溥庆福辑的欧体九成宫. 颜体多宝塔、柳体玄秘塔三种标准习字帖,已在北京出版。这三种习字帖各包括五部分:头一部分是“习字镇知”:豁明笔、墨、概、砚的选裸和使用方法。
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