作为一名冬泳爱好者,我怀着极大的兴趣探讨一下冬泳对心血管影响的问题。 一、经常冬泳,可使血压趋于正常 高血压是一种常见病,坚持冬泳的人血压趋于正常,这一点很有意义。因为长时间的高血压,可影响心、脑、肾等器官。引起冠状动脉病变高血压性心脏病、苗动脉硬化、脑血栓形成、脑溢血、肾小动脉硬化和肾功能减退等疾病。
As a winter swimming enthusiast, I have a great interest in exploring the cardiovascular effects of winter swimming. First, often winter swimming, blood pressure tends to be normal Hypertension is a common disease, adhere to winter swimming blood pressure tends to normal, it makes sense. Because of prolonged high blood pressure, can affect the heart, brain, kidney and other organs. Coronary artery disease caused by hypertensive heart disease, atherosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis, stroke, renal arteriosclerosis and renal dysfunction and other diseases.