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在初二物理教学中,关于浮力的教学是其中的难点和重点之一。笔者认为,掌握有关浮力这部分知识的关键是要把握住其内容中的“两点一线”。“两点一线”的含义,具体阐述如下: 一、将阿基米德定律与浮力产生的原因结合起来作为运用浮力知识的立足点 学生在分析有关浮力的问题时,要想使思维得以延伸,首先应建立一个坚实可靠的立足点,以此为依靠才能展开思路。将阿基米德定律与浮力产生的原因结合起来作为运用这部分知识的立足点主要考虑到以下两方面的原因。1.在阿基米德定律中,只说明了浸在液体中的物体受到浮力的方向是怎样的,以及物体所受到浮力的大小与物体排开的液体受到的重力之间的相互关系。它不能解释浸在液体 In the second physics teaching, buoyancy teaching is one of the difficulties and focuses. The author believes that the key to mastering this part of buoyancy is to grasp the “two points and one line” in its content. The meaning of “two points and one line” is elaborated as follows: 1. Combining Archimedean’s law with the causes of buoyancy as a standpoint for students using buoyancy knowledge When students analyze buoyancy problems, they must extend their thinking. First of all, we should establish a solid and reliable foothold. Combining Archimedes’s law with the causes of buoyancy as the starting point for applying this part of the knowledge mainly considers the following two reasons. 1. In Archimedes’s law, only the direction of the buoyant force of an object immersed in a liquid is explained, and the relationship between the buoyancy force of the object and the gravity of the liquid discharged by the object. It cannot explain the immersion in liquid
点到直线的距离公式,已有许多证法散见于数学书刊。本文再给出一种简单而巧妙的证法。题求证点P(x_0,y_0)到直线l:Ax+By+C=0的距离d=|Ax_0+By_0+C|/(A~2+B~2)~(1/2)。 From
本文获得上海市生物学教学研究会1989年年会论文一等奖。 This article won the first prize of the Shanghai Society Biology Teaching Research Association 1989 Annual