
来源 :中国技术监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyzsoft
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案发剑门关 不久前,剑阁县技术监督局稽查队在开展“三农”物资的监督检查中,发现剑门农资站库存的过磷酸钙水分大,且包装表面渗出晶体状结块。该仓库保管员称是县农资公司发运的货。随即稽查人员对剑门农资站和县农资公司农肥仓库进行现场检查,并分别抽样送法定检验机构进行检验。其结果剑门农资站库存的磷肥P_2O_5为10.6%,水分19.0%;县农资公司农肥仓库的磷肥P_2O_5为10.4%,水分为16.5%(国家强制性标准HG2740-95规定,总养分应为12%)。此批磷 Case of Jianmenguan Not long ago, Jiange County Bureau of Technical Supervision inspection team to carry out the “three rural” material supervision and inspection, found that the inventory of sodium phytophosphate Jianmen agricultural station water is large, and the packaging surface seeping crystal-like agglomeration . The storekeeper called the county agricultural company shipping goods. Immediately inspectors on-site inspection of agricultural resources station and county agricultural company agricultural fertilizer warehouse, and were sampled to the statutory inspection agency for testing. As a result, the phosphorus fertilizer P_2O_5 was 10.6% and the moisture content was 19.0%. The fertilizer P_2O_5 of the county agricultural company was 10.4% and the water content was 16.5% (the national compulsory standard HG2740-95 stipulated that the total nutrient should be 12%). This batch of phosphorus
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1970年8月30日,一个小生命呱呱坠地,给这个农民家庭带来一丝快乐。可谁料想,28年后。他却因涉嫌贷款诈骗、行贿等多种犯罪被上海市人民检察院一分院依法提起公诉。 龚卫,原