Co op erative Secrecy to Resist Authentication Error in Two-Hop Wireless Networks

来源 :Chinese Journal of Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erdongzi
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The authentication error in two-hop wireless networks is considered without knowledge of eavesdropper channels and location.The wireless informationtheoretic security has attracted considerable attention recently.A prerequisite for available works is the precise distinction between legitimate nodes and eavesdroppers.However it is unrealistic in the wireless environment.Error is always existing in the node authentication process.Best of our knowledge,there are no works focus on solving this problem in the information-theoretic security.This paper presents a eavesdropper model with authentication error and two eavesdropping ways.Then,the number of eavesdroppers can be tolerated is analyzed while the desired secrecy is achieved with high probability in the limit of a large number of relay nodes.Final,we draw two conclusions for authentication error:1) The impersonate nodes are chosen as relay is the dominant factor of the transmitted message leakage,and the impersonation attack does seriously decrease the number of eavesdroppers can be tolerated.2) The error authentication to legitimate nodes is almost no effect on the number of eavesdroppers can be tolerated. The authentication error in two-hop wireless networks is considered without knowledge of eavesdropper channels and location. Wireless informationtheoretic security has been attractedought attention recently. A prerequisite for available works is the precise distinction between legitimate nodes and eavesdroppers. Yet it is unrealistic in the wireless environment. Error is always existing in the node authentication process. Best of our knowledge, there are no works focus on solving this problem in the information-theoretic security. This paper presents a eavesdropper model with authentication error and two eavesdropping ways. the number of eavesdroppers can be tolerated is analyzed while the desired secrecy is achieved with high probability in the limit of a large number of relay nodes. Final, we draw two conclusions for authentication error: 1) The impersonate nodes are chosen as relay is the dominant factor of the transmitted message leakage, and the impersonation attack does serio usly decrease the number of eavesdroppers can be tolerated.2) The error authentication to legitimate nodes is almost no effect on the number of eavesdroppers can be tolerated.
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