在语文教学中实施弹性作业 充分挖掘后进生潜力

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所谓弹性作业,就是教师在教学中因人而异,对学生的作业在内容、时间、评价等方面并不统一要求,而是考虑到学生的个性差异,既有知识上的统一要求。又有能力方面、要求方面的的不同要求。目的是让不同能力、不同层次的学生都能得到最大限度的提高,从而落实减负任务,减轻学生的课业负担,提高学习质量。当年,笔者初踏讲坛,发现班级中,总有一小部分学习困难的学生,在完成作业时,出现错误多,所用时 The so-called flexible operation, that is, teachers in teaching varies from person to person, the operation of the students in the content, time, evaluation and other aspects are not uniform requirements, but taking into account differences in individual students, both knowledge of the uniform requirements. Again have the ability to require different aspects of the requirements. The purpose is to enable students with different abilities and different levels to get the maximum improvement so as to fulfill the task of reducing the burden on the students, reduce the students’ academic burden and improve the quality of learning. That year, I first stepped on the pulpit, found in the class, there are always a small number of students with learning difficulties, when completed homework, there are many mistakes, when used
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