来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:monkey825
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A new vehicle steering control algorithm is presented. Unlike the traditional methods do, the algorithm uses a sigmoid function to describe the principle of the human driver’s steering strategy. Based on this function, a human simulating vehicle steering model, human-simulating steering control(HS) algorithm is designed. In order to improve the adaptability to different environments, a parameter adaptive adjustment algorithm is presented. This algorithm can online modify the value of the key parameters of the HS real time. HS controller is used on a vehicle equipped with computer vision system and computer controlled steering actuator system, the result from the automatic vehicle steering experiment shows that the HS algorithm gives good performance at different speed, even at the maximum speed of 172 km/h. Unlike the traditional methods do, the algorithm uses a sigmoid function to describe the principle of the human driver’s steering strategy. Based on this function, a human simulating vehicle steering model, human-simulating steering control ( HS) algorithm is designed. In order to improve the adaptability to different environments, a parameter adaptive adjustment algorithm is presented. HS controller is used on a vehicle equipped with The computer vision system and computer controlled steering actuator system, the result from the automatic vehicle steering experiment shows that the HS algorithm gives good performance at different speed, even at the maximum speed of 172 km / h.
Purpose To describe the characteristics and outcomes of patients with cytomega lovirus (CMV) retinitis in the absence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) inf
目的 探讨巩膜扣带术联合氩激光光凝治疗视网膜脱离的疗效及适应证范围.方法 对1996年~2002年8月在我院行巩膜扣带术后接受氩激光光凝治疗的视网膜脱离患者386例392只眼进行回顾性分析.结果 术后随访3~6个月,392只眼中,视网膜完全复位377只眼(96.8%),术后矫正视力>0.05者341只眼(87%),最佳矫正视力为1.0.结论 将巩膜扣带术中冷凝改为术后氩激光光凝,可简化术中操作,减
本文综述了近几年来国外开发的硅编译系统及其优点和实现方法。指出硅编译技术(SILI)是 VLSI 自动设计的方向。 This article reviews the silicon compilation systems dev
自从五十年代人们发明了晶体管以来,硅单晶一 直在现代微电子技术中担当主角.但在未来微电子技 术的发展中,Si的地位将有可能不断下降.这是由Si 本身的性能造成的:Si的载流子