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何谓“亚健康”?随着医学模式由过去的单纯生物医学模式向生物——心理——社会医学模式转变,科学家们开始意识到在健康与疾病之间还有一种生理功能低下的状态,理化检查无明显病态结果,却总感到身体和精神上的多种不适,这种介于健康与疾病之间的临界状态,称之为“亚健康状态”或“人体第三状态”。 据流行病学调查表明,现代人约有50%处于“亚健康状态”,这些人常感叹自己活得很“累”,并常常伴有食欲不振、头痛、失眠、心绪不安、精神萎靡、注意力不集中、疲劳、健忘及性功能障碍等现象出现,在医院又检查不出毛病。长期处于这种状态,会使身体状况走入低谷,致使各种疾病接连发生,对健康构成威胁。 导致“亚健康状态”的原因,是现代生活中的环境污染,饮食结构不合理,嗜烟酗酒以及来目社会竞争的各方面压力等。其中饮食不合理是最常见的原因,如有些人仍以传统饮食习惯为主,即机体摄入低蛋白、高热量食物,许多人不重视早餐,甚至不吃早餐,这样机体处于饥饿状态,致使大脑缺氧,影响肾上腺素、生长激素、甲状腺素等诸种内分泌激素的正常分泌,严重者可产生情绪抑郁、心慌乏力、视物模糊、低血糖昏 WHAT IS SUB-HEALTH? As the medical model shifts from a mere biomedical model of the past to a biopsychosocial-medical model, scientists are beginning to realize that there is another state of poor physiological function between health and disease, Check no obvious morbid results, but always felt a variety of physical and mental discomfort, between the critical state of health and disease, called “sub-health state” or “third body state.” According to the epidemiological survey, about 50% of modern people are in a “sub-healthy state,” and these people often lament that they are “tired” and often suffer from loss of appetite, headaches, insomnia, moodiness, sluggishness and attention Inadequate concentration, fatigue, forgetfulness and sexual dysfunction and other phenomena appear in the hospital and check out no problems. Long-term in this state, will make the physical conditions into the trough, resulting in a variety of diseases occur one after another, posing a threat to health. The causes of “sub-health status” are the environmental pollution in modern life, unreasonable diet structure, stress and other aspects of social competition caused by smoking and drinking alcohol. One of the most common causes of unreasonable diet, such as some people are still based on the traditional diet, that is, the body intake of low protein, high calorie foods, many people do not value breakfast, or even eat breakfast, so that the body is in starvation, resulting in Hypoxia, the impact of epinephrine, growth hormone, thyroid hormone and other types of endocrine hormone secretion, severe cases can have emotional depression, palpitation fatigue, blurred vision, hypoglycemia
经中国国家茧丝绸协调办公室批准 ,我国将从 2 0 0 0年开始每年编辑一期《中国丝绸年鉴》。该《年鉴》将是继日本《蚕丝绢年鉴》自 1995年停刊以来 ,目前世界唯一一本全国登
球样异型增生(globoid dysplasia)已被认为是印戒细胞癌的癌前病变。本文应用免疫组织化学方法,观察了在胃印戒细胞癌内和癌旁球样异型增生细胞中的细胞膜表面特异性糖蛋白D
巴基斯坦 全国有 97%的人信伊斯兰教 ,居民中有 70 %饮绿茶 ,也有的喝红茶 ,每年消费茶叶约 10万 t左右。巴基斯坦人常以奶茶和水果招待客人 ,有时还在奶茶里放一些巴旦杏、
局部免疫反应在宫颈癌发生过程中的意义97030KazuhiroTakeharaACTAOBSTGYNAECJPN1996;NO11.p1063~1070为了明确局部免疫反应在宫颈癌发生过程中所起的作用,本文分析了不典型增生和原位癌局部的淋巴细胞集合与... The significance of loc