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顾延明同志是北京市太平庄砖瓦厂党总支书记。几年来以他为首的党总支委员会,正确地执行了党的方针、政策。顾延明同志自己在组织领导工作上和生活作风上,都能作到以身作则,吃苦在前,享受在后,勤勤恳恳地为党工作,他体弱、多病,但仍坚持参加体力劳动,发扬了老干部艰苦朴素的优良作风,团结和带动了全体干部,胜利地完成了各种任务。在1958年大跃进的基础上,1959年又取得了出色的成绩,1—3季度均超额完成了国家计划,第二季度被评为北京市的红旗厂。顾延明同志不仅领导工作做的好,还是一个生产革新能手。今年春季开始生产时,因受自然条件限制,干燥砖坯,必须有席箔,当时席箔供不应求,各地都买不到,可是任务又大又急;不解决席箔,就很难完成。面对这个情况,顾延明同志十分焦虑,画夜思考。他想: Comrade Gu Yanming is the party branch secretary of Beijing Taipingzhuang Brick and Tile Factory. The party’s general branch committee headed by him over the past few years has correctly implemented the party’s guidelines and policies. Comrade Gu Yanming, in organizing and leading the work and in his style of work, can lead by example, work hard and enjoy hard work before the party. He is frail and sick, but he still insists on participating in manual labor. Carry forward the arduous and simple style of fine work of veteran cadres, unite and bring along all cadres, and successfully accomplish various tasks. On the basis of the Great Leap Forward in 1958, it achieved excellent results in 1959, surpassing the national plan in 1-3 quarters and was awarded the red flag factory in Beijing in the second quarter. Gu Yanming not only led the work done well, or a production innovation expert. At the beginning of spring this year, due to natural conditions, the drying of brick, there must be foil, when the foil is in short supply, can not be bought everywhere, but the task is big and urgent; it is difficult to solve the foil. In the face of this situation, Comrade Gu Yanming is very anxious and paints the night thinking. he thinks:
为了解剖宫产后新生儿血糖动态变化 ,我们观察了 4 0例新生儿血糖的动态变化 ,发现生后 4 8~ 72h时血糖偏低 ,说明剖宫产后产妇有一过性乳汁分泌不足 ,加强喂养可使血糖维持在
1999年 10月 13日 8时至 16时 ,我市某乡卫生院在计划免疫按月接种时 ,1名新参加工作的助产士在不熟悉卡介苗接种知识的情况下 ,先后对 3名未满 3足月的婴儿每人皮下注射冻于
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(2002年9月开始实行) 在国际乒联最新出版的2001年第7期《乒乓球》杂志上,全文刊登了新的发球规则: 2.6 合法发球 2.6.1 发球时,球应放在发球员不执拍手的手掌上,手掌张开和
In this paper, properties on pulsed radiation detections of ZnO:Ga crystal grew by a magnetron sputtering method were studied. The time response to pulsed laser