立足\\"坚持\\" 做好\\"完善\\"

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党中央的直接部署和推动,为社会保障事业发展注入了强劲的发展动力。那么,如何理解党的十六届三中全会对社会保障建设提出的目标和要求?为此,本刊记者专访了劳动保障部原副部长、全国政协委员、中国社会保险学会会长王建伦。王建伦会长曾直接参与十六届三中全会《决定》有关内容的起草工作,对《决定》有更为全面的理解和深刻的体会;同时由于她在劳动保障部副部长这个位置上任职10年,直接参与我国社会保险改革特别是养老保险改革的谋划和实施,对整个改革进程有非同一般的了解、认知和感悟。整个采访贯穿着一个内容主线,一种辨证的思想-- The direct deployment and promotion of the party Central Committee has injected a strong impetus to the development of the social security undertaking. So, how to understand the goals and requirements set by the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee for social security? To this end, our correspondents interviewed Wang Jianlun, former deputy minister of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, member of the CPPCC National Committee and president of the China Social Insurance Association. President Wang Jianlun had directly participated in drafting the relevant contents of the “Decision” of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and had a more comprehensive understanding and profound understanding of the “Decision.” At the same time, she served in the position of Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security For 10 years, participating directly in the planning and implementation of China’s social insurance reform, especially pension insurance reform, has the same general understanding, cognition and perception of the entire reform process. Throughout the interview runs through a content mainline, a dialectical thought -