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为启动和促进一部分重点企业的生产发展,1991年上半年,武汉市江岸税务分局与江岸区经计委联合行动,对区内胭脂服装厂、振兴联轴器件厂、变压器二厂、制动泵厂和海鸥羊毛衫厂等五户区重点企业实行了“一厂一法”的税收倾斜政策。经过半年多的实践,五户企业上半年主要经济指标完成较好。其中,工业总产值971万元,销售收入1183万元,利润107万元,上缴税金49万元,分别比上年同期增长32.6%、34.7%、156.9%和21.95%,均高出全区平均增长水平。去年7月底,江岸区和武汉市税务局有关领导及区经计委、区税务分局联合对这五户企业上半年执行情况进行了检查,并给予了充分的肯定。我们的做法是: 一、反复论证,慎重选点从1990年11月开始,江岸区经计委、税务分局根据市委文件精神,组织专门力量,采取自上而下、自下而上的办法,对部分工商企业进行调查摸底。在此基础上,提出了对部分企业实行“一厂一法”的打算,这些企业必须是合乎下列要求的企业,即区属具有一定规模 In order to start and promote the production development of some key enterprises, in the first half of 1991, Wuhan Jiang’an Taxation Bureau and Jiangan District Joint Commission of Planning and Planning jointly carried out a joint operation on the rouge garment factory, Zhenxing Coupling Device Factory, Transformer Plant No.2, brake pump Factory and seagull sweater factory Wuhu District key enterprises to implement the “one plant one law” tax tilt policy. After more than six months of practice, the five major enterprises in the first half of the major economic indicators completed better. Among them, the industrial output value was 9.71 million yuan, the sales income was 11.83 million yuan, the profit was 1.07 million yuan, and the tax paid was 490,000 yuan, up by 32.6%, 34.7%, 156.9% and 21.95% respectively over the same period of the previous year, Growth level. At the end of July last year, Jiang’an District and relevant leaders of Wuhan Municipal Taxation Bureau and the district and district planning commissions and district taxation bureaus jointly examined the implementation of the five enterprises in the first half of the year and fully affirmed them. Our approach is: First, repeated arguments, careful selection From November 1990 onwards, the River Bank District Planning Commission, the Inland Revenue Branch under the spirit of the municipal party committee documents, organize special forces to take a top-down, bottom-up approach, Investigation of some industrial and commercial enterprises thoroughly. On this basis, put forward the plan of implementing “one plant, one law” for some enterprises, which must be enterprises that meet the following requirements: the area belongs to a certain scale
(1990年3月30日第七届全国人民代表大会第三次会议主席团第二次会议通过) 第七届全国人民代表大会第三次会议,于1990年3月21日听取了国务委员兼财政部部长王丙乾所作的《关
(二)滑刃科 Aphelenchoididae 1.Aphelenchoides Fischer,1894 Aphelenchoides(滑刃线虫属),隶属于Aphelenchoidinae(滑刃亚科)。虫体较细长,时常在阴门或肛门后虫体稍变窄,