Improved device reliability in organic light emitting devices by controlling the etching of indium z

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laobi87
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A controllable etching process for indium zinc oxide(IZO) films was developed by using a weak etchant of oxalic acid with a slow etching ratio. With controllable etching time and temperature, a patterned IZO electrode with smoothed surface morphology and slope edge was achieved. For the practical application in organic light emitting devices(OLEDs), a suppression of the leak current in the current–voltage characteristics of OLEDs was observed. It resulted in a 1.6 times longer half lifetime in the IZO-based OLEDs compared to that using an indium tin oxide(ITO) anode etched by a conventional strong etchant of aqua regia. A controllable etching process for indium zinc oxide (IZO) films was developed by using a weak etchant of oxalic acid with a slow etching ratio. For controllable etching time and temperature, a patterned IZO electrode with smoothed surface morphology and slope edge was achieved. For The practical application in organic light emitting devices (OLEDs), a suppression of the leak current in the current-voltage characteristics of OLEDs was observed. It resulted in a 1.6 times longer half lifetime in the IZO-based OLEDs compared to that using an indium tin oxide (ITO) anode etched by a conventional strong etchant of aqua regia.
研究以ARM9 S3C2440处理器为核心,以嵌入式操作系统ARM-Linux为平台的壁挂两用炉综合性能测试自动检测系统。研究目的旨在提高壁挂炉生产厂家及质量监督部门在检测壁挂两用炉
1980年12月在莫斯科举行的“地质勘探80”国际展览会上展出两种内燃凿岩机,现将其技术特点介绍如下。 Two kinds of internal combustion rock drills were exhibited at the
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