Pre-process algorithm for satellite laser ranging data based on curve recognition from points cloud

来源 :Geodesy and Geodynamics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wqfzqgkvbavba
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The satellite laser ranging(SLR) data quality from the COMPASS was analyzed,and the difference between curve recognition in computer vision and pre-process of SLR data finally proposed a new algorithm for SLR was discussed data based on curve recognition from points cloud is proposed.The results obtained by the new algorithm are 85%(or even higher) consistent with that of the screen displaying method,furthermore,the new method can process SLR data automatically,which makes it possible to be used in the development of the COMPASS navigation system. The satellite laser ranging (SLR) data quality from the COMPASS was analyzed, and the difference between curve recognition in computer vision and pre-process of SLR data finally proposed a new algorithm for SLR was discussed data based on curve recognition from points cloud is proposed The results obtained by the new algorithm are 85% (or even higher) consistent with that of the screen displaying method, furthermore, the new method can process SLR data automatically, which makes it possible to be used in the development of the COMPASS navigation system.
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