
来源 :岩土力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hechangying1
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针对原有三维膨胀本构模型的局限性,以富水泥质板岩隧道围岩的膨胀问题为出发点,采用侧向约束下的膨胀特性试验,修正了泥质板岩侧向约束下的轴向膨胀率与吸水时间的关系及膨胀过程中的一维本构关系;基于金尼克条件,考虑整个膨胀过程以及最大和最小膨胀应力对膨胀本构方程的贡献,以最大体积膨胀率对应的时间为临界时间,分段描述泥质板岩基于时间效应的三维膨胀本构模型。研究结果表明:泥质板岩在膨胀过程中轴向应力和膨胀率之间呈负对数函数关系;当吸水时间小于或等于临界时间时,侧向约束下的轴向膨胀率与吸水时间之间的关系式服从指数函数,体积膨胀率服从含时间效应的三维膨胀本构模型;当吸水时间大于临界时间时,侧向约束下的轴向膨胀率不再随时间变化,等于侧向约束下的最终轴向膨胀率,且体积膨胀率不再服从本构模型,等于定值(最大体积膨胀率)。研究成果可为解决富水软岩隧道围岩的膨胀问题提供理论参考。 Aiming at the limitation of the original three-dimensional expansion constitutive model, taking the expansion of surrounding rock in the cement-rich slate tunnel as the starting point, the expansion characteristic test under the lateral restraint was adopted to correct the axial constraint The relationship between the expansion rate and the water absorption time and the one-dimensional constitutive relationship in the expansion process. Based on the Kinnic condition, considering the contribution of the entire expansion process and the maximum and minimum expansion stresses to the constitutive equation of expansion, the maximum volume expansion corresponding to the time Critical time, section describes the three-dimensional swelling constitutive model of shale slab based on time effect. The results show that there is a negative logarithmic relationship between the axial stress and the expansion rate of shale slate during the expansion process. When the water absorption time is less than or equal to the critical time, the axial expansion rate and water absorption time The relationship between the two functions follows an exponential function, and the volume expansion rate obeys the three-dimensional expansion constitutive model with time effect. When the water absorption time is greater than the critical time, the axial expansion rate under lateral restraint no longer changes with time, equal to the lateral restraint Of the final axial expansion rate, and the volume expansion rate no longer follow the constitutive model, equal to the fixed value (maximum volume expansion rate). The research results can provide a theoretical reference for solving the expansion problem of the surrounding rock of water-rich soft rock tunnel.
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2013年9月5日晚,参加二十国集团(G20)领导人峰会的各国首脑聚集在圣彼得堡夏宫(曾是彼得大帝的避暑行宫)举行晚宴。晚宴持续至凌晨。随后,各国领导人观赏了歌剧《茶花女》。这部一直在世界歌剧史上享有盛誉的经典作品受到各国元首的欢迎与好评。  今年是伟大的意大利作曲家威尔第诞辰200周年,世界各地竞相上演这位歌剧大师根据小仲马同名原著改编的《茶花女》。5月1日,意大利原版歌剧“茶花女”走进杭州,韵
摘要 班主任批评学生,要根据学生存在的问题恰当地向他们提供榜样,以别人的好思想、好行为去影响他们;应积极创造条件,点燃他们的心灵之火,发扬优点,克服缺点;批评学生,在对他们进行教育性谈话时,语言应委婉得体,富有感染力和启发性。  关键词 班主任 批评 榜样 灵活 诱导     在教育工作中,对学生错误言行进行批评,是班主任经常采用的方法之一。如何运用好这一武器,并非容易。批评,是一剂苦药,有时是一