几何证题中:(1)从已知条件出发,应用定义、公理、定理作依据而得出的结论,叫做直接证法.(2)从求证的反面出发,在证明以前,作一个与求证相反的假定,然后把它引到不合理的结论上去,使我们不能不放弃它,而转到合理上面去,这个方法,叫做间接证法,也叫反证法,又叫归谬法. 反证法很多学生常搞不通,因此笔者对这个问题,下了极大的苦心,一方面了解学
In geometrical proofs: (1) Starting from the known conditions, applying the definitions, axioms, and theorems as the basis for the conclusions, is called direct proof. (2) Starting from the opposite side of proof, before proof, make and verify The contrary assumptions, then lead it to unreasonable conclusions, so that we can not give it up, and go to a reasonable above, this method is called indirect proof, also known as anti-evidence, also called imputation method. I often do not work, so the author has devoted great pains to this issue.