Application of Lexical Chunk Approach in Middle School Vocabulary Teaching

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  Vocabulary is an important part of human language,which plays a key role in the process of language learning.In recent years,more and more attention has been paid to vocabulary teaching.The existence of lexical chunks accelerates the speed of language processing,which is of great significance to language acquisition and fluency.Lexical chunk teaching method emphasizes the cultivation of learners' lexical chunk ability,that is,the ability to master the fixed phrases,collocations and sentence patterns that often appear in communication,so as to combine vocabulary acquisition,grammar acquisition and communication ability cultivation.Under the guidance of prefabricated chunk theory,this paper studies the role of prefabricated chunk theory in junior high school English teaching practice.The use of lexical chunks in junior high school English teaching has certain effect,which can help students to use English skillfully and accurately.Junior middle school English teachers should use various means to implement lexical chunk teaching in English teaching,so that students can get inspiration from lexical chunk teaching,recognize lexical chunks and memorize lexical chunks consciously in learning,so as to broaden their vocabulary more quickly and better,so as to improve their English comprehensive level.In practice,due to my limited energy and research time is not long,there are some defects and deficiencies in this study,and this study needs to be further improved and developed.I believe that chunk teaching will have a great positive impact on junior high school English Teaching in the future.
  Key words:chunk,chunk teaching,junior high school English Teaching
  As we all know,vocabulary is the basic element of a sentence and the foundation of all language skills.Therefore,vocabulary teaching is the key and difficult problem in English teaching.The theory of lexical chunks,which originated from the study of contemporary lexicology,can effectively realize the unity of "quantity" and "quality" in English vocabulary teaching from two aspects of vocabulary structure and context.Lexical Chunk Theory emphasizes that chunk is a complex of grammatical,semantic and contextual functions.It is better than traditional isolated vocabulary learning to use lexical chunks in vocabulary teaching and put them in specific context.It reflects the text factors of the English system,creates a supporting environment for the construction of vocabulary memory and use,and helps to reduce the negative impact of mother tongue on students' vocabulary learning,thus reducing the burden of students' vocabulary memory and cultivating students' habits of English thinking.   It is hoped that through this research,teachers should fully understand and pay attention to the importance of chunk teaching in English teaching,and strive to cultivate students' awareness of using chunk in English learning,so as to improve their English learning performance.Guide students to find lexical chunks in English learning,memorize these lexical chunks as a whole,and use them in real communication,so as to gain the ability to use the language in use,so as to truly master the language.
  Students are encouraged to use lexical chunks for speaking and writing.Students should be encouraged to speak and write more.Before speaking training,the teacher first introduces the use of lexical chunks,explains the scene of lexical chunks,the identity of the speaker,etc.,so that students can master these lexical chunks through repeated training.In the training of writing,we can use multiple methods,such as multiple choice questions,cloze,dialogue,translation and so on,to examine the students' ability to use chunks.
  As a tool of language learning,grammar helps us to learn and understand language better.Therefore,in English teaching,we should give consideration to both of them.
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在英語教学中,我们常常听到教师们这样抱怨:“某某学生作业、考试都不错,就是上课不举手,不喜欢发言。”我们也常看到这样的现象:有的学生笔试成绩好,口语却很糟;在交际活动中,吞吞吐吐、结结巴巴等等。分析起来,大都是以下原因:学生对口头表达不感兴趣,表达时注意力不集中,学生的个性差异。那么怎样才能解决学生口语表达中存在的问题呢?  一、坚持课前热身,激发学习兴趣  古代思想家王守仁曾提出:“今之教子,必
摘要:我国的教育事业在近几年的发展当中非常迅速,足球教学在初中教育阶当中越来越受人们的重视,同时足球也是初中阶段体育课程当中不可缺少的一部分。在初中阶段的体育教学过程当中有效的对学生进行素质教学可以在一定程度上提高学生在足球方面的综合能力。因此,足球教学在初中阶段的体育教学当中是非常重要的,本篇文章就是以初中体育当中的足球教学为中心而展开讨论和分析的。  关键词:初中;体育教学;足球专项游戏;应用
摘要:低年级学生的心智不够成熟,正处于人生观和价值观塑造的关键时期,而通过活动来渗透相应的法治教育,使低年级学生对法律知识产生深入的认识也成为了每个教学工作者的主要教学任务。在本文之中,以讲座活动形式、社会调研活动形式、参观访问活动形式、和案例分析形式探究了法治教育活动渗透的有效对策,希望能对低年级学生法治教育活动的顺利开展起到一定的积极作用。  关键词:活动;法治教育;低年级  一、通过讲座活动
摘要:教育改革过程中对教学提出了更高更具体的标准,打破传统教育思想的束缚,严格要求教师不断提升自我,明确教什么、怎样教、为什么而教以及要达到怎样的教学效果等问题。另外,数学在小学课程中占据着举足轻重的地位,作为一大基础学科,教师应了解教学现状,明确提高教学效率的重要性,为如何提高教学效率不断探索。  关键词:新课程背景;小学数学;提高课堂教学效率  数学学科普遍具有学习内容抽象复杂等特点,而小学生
摘要:在视唱练耳教学中,合理运用互动教学模式可以促进课程的丰富和完善。  关键词:互动模式;视唱练耳教学  “课堂教学模式”,从广义上讲,指的是教师、学生、教材三个基本要素在教学过程的组合关系;从狭义上讲,指的是教学过程各个环节步骤,诸要素的组合关系。所谓“课堂互动教学模式”就是把教学过程看作是一个动态发展的教与学统一的交互影响和交互活动的过程,看作是师生进行一种生命与生命的交往、沟通。它是通过优
一、问题的提出  随着教学机制的转变和子女跟随父母一起外出,目前农村生源出现了自然萎缩,学校班级人数普遍小于30人,有些甚至出现了少于10人的超小班。小班化教学学生人数少了,师生之间的交流时间更重充分了,教师对学生关注机会更多了,为学生发展个性和成长空间都提供了有利条件,如何在这种条件下开展课堂教学,提高课堂效率,让学生真正成为课堂的主人是笔者在实践中不断探寻的问题。  二、问题的分析  如何让每