Dispatch Liquidity Theory in a Deregulated Environment

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z344121483
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Power system security and reliability are more complex issues in a deregulated environment. Various criteria have been considered for power system reliability. In the day-ahead market, a successful trade schedule should be able to accept various disturbances with sufficient flexibility to be adjusted during the re-dispatch process. This paper describes the dispatch liquidity theory and some liquidity indices. The li- quidity indices evaluate the effective operating reserves with the network constraints taken into considera- tion. A model is presented to calculate the liquidity index. An extended trade scheduling model with mini- mum liquidity index constraints is presented that considers the distribution requirements of the operating re- serves. The liquidity indices could also be used to coordinate the security and reliability between multistage markets and for contingency selection. The algorithms were tested with real power system data. The results show that the dispatch liquidity theory is reasonable and the algorithms are effective. Power system security and reliability are more complex issues in a deregulated environment. Various criteria have been considered for power system reliability. In the day-ahead market, a successful trade schedule should be able to accept various disturbances with sufficient flexibility to be adjusted during the re-dispatch process. This paper describes the dispatch liquidity theory and some liquidity indices. The li- quidity indices evaluate the effective operating reserves with the network constraints taken into considera tion. A model is presented to calculate the liquidity index. An extended trade scheduling model with mini-mum liquidity index constraints is presented that considers the distribution requirements of the operating re- serves. The liquidity indices could also be used to coordinate the security and reliability between multistage markets and for contingency selection. The algorithms were tested with real power system data. The results show that the dispatch li quidity theory is reasonable and the algorithms are effective.
2003年的美国医疗保险制度改革使许多美国制药公司的CEO为之欢呼,但是药企的一些当家人只是看到了公司在处方药方面的受益,而且要到2006年才能实现。  其实制药企业将面对更多的麻烦。政府、国会成员及民主党的总统和副总统候选人都在呼吁实行进口低价药改革以降低药品价格,国家司法部继续开展调查以打击价格和促销方面的违法事件,药企方面将被迫花费数十亿美元来摆子这些麻烦。
这不是专利膨胀 面对人们对飞利浦每年专利申请数量从5年前的1000项 增加到现在的3000项这一变化产生的专利膨胀置疑,飞利浦知 识产权及标准部(IP&S) 首席执行官RuudJ·Peter