
来源 :现代焊接 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuhaishun
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近十年来,日本经济受亚洲金融危机的影响,由于金融机构对不良债务处理不得力,导致日本经济长期低迷,尽管人们对倡导经济体制改革的小泉内阁寄予了很高的期望,政府很快制定了紧急经济对策,但收效甚微。曾经在世界上具有绝对竞争力的日本工业逐渐衰退,破产企业不断增加,市场低迷不振。在这样的背景下,日本电焊机行业的生产规模以前所未有的速度递减,只相当于顶峰时期的50%。这种状况已持续了好几年,目前暂时还看不到经济复苏的迹象。近几年日本的焊机及焊材生产情况统计表 In the recent decade, the Japanese economy was affected by the Asian financial crisis. As financial institutions failed to handle bad debts, resulting in a long-term economic downturn. Despite the high expectations of the Koizumi cabinet that advocated economic restructuring, the government quickly formulated Emergency economic measures, but with little success. Japanese industry, once absolutely competitive in the world, has been gradually declining, with the number of bankrupt enterprises continuously rising and the market downturn slumping. In this context, the Japanese welding machine industry, the scale of production decreased at an unprecedented rate, equivalent to only 50% of the peak period. This situation has lasted for several years and for now there are still no signs of economic recovery. In recent years Japan’s welding machine and welding consumables statistics table
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