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2007年,航天型号任务繁重,型号研制更新换代快、多种型号并举、技术状态各异、发射任务密集,任何环节的疏漏都会造成不可弥补的损失。为保证型号研制工作按预定的目标顺利进行,必须严格技术状态更改控制。为更好地理解并正确实施技术状态控制,本刊将分期论述技术状态更改控制的重要性;强调技术状态更改控制是一个过程,且应加强更改实施前的事先控制;详解技术状态更改控制五条原则的内涵,技术状态更改控制的范围界定,贯彻实施技术状态更改控制五条原则的具体要求等,以期为进一步规范和有效地控制航天产品技术状态更改过程提供指导。 In 2007, the heavy workload of the space flight model, the rapid development and replacement of the model, the simultaneous deployment of multiple models, the different technical states, and the intensive launching of missions led to irreparable losses in any link. To ensure that the model development work carried out in accordance with the scheduled goals, we must strictly control the state of technology changes. In order to better understand and correctly implement the control of technical conditions, this issue will discuss in phases the importance of the control of technological status changes. Emphasis on the control of technological status changes is a process that should be strengthened and the prior control over the implementation should be strengthened. The connotation of the principle, the definition of the scope of the control over the change of technological status, and the implementation of the specific requirements of the five principles on the control of technological status change so as to provide guidance for the further standardization and effective control of the technological status change of aerospace products.
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