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近几年来,抚州高新区在强攻工业的同时,紧紧“围绕发展抓党建、抓好党建促发展”的方针,突出特色,强化举措,有力地促进园区非公经济组织党建工作和经济建设协调发展。截至目前,全区共有非公企业226户,已投产企业156户,建立了91家企业基层党组织,其中企业党委3个,联合党支部5个,765名党员,基本实现了规模以上企业党组织全覆盖的目标。2013年实现主营业务收入274亿元,同比增长22%;工业税收占财政收 In recent years, the Fuzhou High-tech Zone, while storming the industrial sector, has firmly adhered to the principle of “focusing on development and building the party and promoting the development of the party”, highlighted its characteristics and strengthened its measures to effectively promote the Party building and economy in the non-public economic organizations in the park Construction and coordinated development. So far, 226 non-public enterprises and 156 production enterprises have been established in the region, 91 grassroots party organizations have been set up, of which 3 are enterprise party committees, 5 are united party branches and 765 are party members, basically realizing the above-scale enterprise parties Organization full coverage of the goal. In 2013, the main business income was 27.4 billion yuan, an increase of 22% over the same period of last year; the industrial tax revenue accounted for the fiscal revenue
授权公告号:CN 104292505B授权公告日:2017年2月22日专利权人:华南理工大学发明人:朱立新、郭宝春、翁佩锦本发明公开了一种纳米碲的制备及其硫化橡胶的方法。本发明以廉价的
Four new diterpenoid alkaloids,nagaconitines A-D(1-4),were isolated from the roots of Aconitum nagarum var.heterotrichum.Their structures were elucidated as 8-(
河北省邢台卫校始建于 196 4年 ,在上级领导的亲切关怀和社会各界的大力支持下 ,学校不断发展壮大 ,成为 1999年教育部批准的首批国家级重点中等职业学校。多年来 ,学校始终
桂建生在《职教论坛》 2000年第 4期撰文指出,中国入世,既给职业教育提供了发展机遇,也提出了新的要求。  1.职业教育的发展和结构调整要适应经济结构调整的需要。我国入世后,由
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