解析幾何這門功課,目前在高中是不學了,但是在中等技術學校以及高等學校還是列為必修科之一。每當我們學習這门課的時候,不禁要問:這門科學是怎樣產生的?為什麼我們要學它?為了解答這些問題,作為現在的教師以及未來的教師参致起見,所以寫下這篇短文。 1、解析幾何的發生解析幾何的創始人是笛卡爾(Descartes,1596—1650),他利用代數方法來處理初等幾何里的問題,這在数學的發展史上是一件極其重大的事情。因為有了它,才推動了
The homework of parsing geometry is currently not taught in high schools, but it is still listed as a compulsory subject in secondary technical schools and colleges and universities. Whenever we learn this course, we can’t help asking: How did this science come about? Why do we have to learn it? To answer these questions, as teachers of today and as teachers of the future, write down this. Short essay. 1. The occurrence of analytical geometry The founder of analytical geometry is Descartes (1596–1650). He uses algebraic methods to deal with problems in elementary geometry. This is an extremely important matter in the history of mathematics. Because of it, it only promoted