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我所用尼龙薄膜建造的土温室,能充分利用太阳的光和热,减少室内光、照和加温设备;保温性能好;湿度也容易调节,如空气干燥,只要在室内淋两桶水,就可保持80—90%的湿度达1—2天。无温室设备的地方可利用其开展选育种等试验。温室圆形,直径2.5米。建造简易。中心竖一根1.8米高的木柱。周围用直径粗约6厘米、高1.7米的木桩10根,按等距离竖立,自下而上每隔30—50厘米衬以竹篾。竹篾内外层用尼龙薄膜围裸,间隙为6厘米左右,顶部对称的边桩与中心柱用竹篾交叉搭架,上盖尼龙薄膜,呈弧形,并用绳索固牢,防止被风吹翻。室内外周围薄膜的底脚用上压紧,四周开排水沟。背风面开一小门,亦用薄膜封好。室内可根据需要,安设木架,放置试验材料。没有太阳的天气,可安装1000瓦可调式电炉加温,白天室温调至28℃左右,晚上25℃左右。有太阳的天气,室温超过30℃要开门降温。 I use the nylon membrane to build the soil greenhouse, can make full use of the sun’s light and heat, reducing indoor light, according to and heating equipment; good insulation properties; humidity is also easy to adjust, such as air-dry, 80-90% humidity can be maintained for 1-2 days. Where no greenhouse equipment can be used to carry out breeding and other tests. Greenhouse round, 2.5 meters in diameter. Simple construction. Center vertical 1.8 meters high wooden column. Around the diameter of about 6 cm in diameter, 1.7 meters high stakes 10, erected by an equal distance, from bottom to top every 30-50 cm lined with bamboo shoots. The inner and outer layers of bamboo are surrounded by a nylon film, with a gap of about 6 centimeters. The top symmetrical side pile and the center column are cross-lapped with bamboo strips, covered with nylon film and arc-shaped, and fixed with ropes to prevent being blown . The foot of the film around the indoor and outdoor with the pressure on the open drain around. Leeward to open a small door, also sealed with a thin film. Indoor can be set according to the needs of wooden racks, placing test materials. Without the sun’s weather, can be installed 1000-watt adjustable electric furnace heating, room temperature during the day transferred to about 28 ℃, about 25 ℃ at night. The weather with the sun, room temperature over 30 ℃ to open the door to cool down.