
来源 :陕西水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongmusong
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母亲站在渭河边对我说:“留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。”我一边听母亲说话,一边看渭水边有一女子在洗莲藕。那时,我大病初愈,本来我好歹都应回归我农村那破败的家,但是母亲担心我的病再发作,怕我回农村独自生活会太困难,因此她劝我在咸阳东河滩父亲的单位再居住休养一个时期。我听从了母亲的劝留,暂住下来,好在我不再暴发幻视、幻听,只是心里很愁:一愁初恋的情人无法挽回,二愁离家散去的妻子、女儿也难以破家重圆。如此,我愁得 My mother stood beside the Weihe River and said to me, “I will stay in the mountains without fear of firewood.” "As I listened to my mother, I saw a woman wash the lotus root beside the Wei River. At that time, I was recovering from a serious illness. Originally, I had to return to the dilapidated home in rural China. However, my mother worried that my illness would recur if I was too hard to live alone in rural areas. Unit to live and rest for a period of time. I am obedient to the mother’s advice, temporary stay down, but fortunately I no longer outbreak of visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, but my heart is very sad: a sad love lover irreparable, two unhappy separation of his wife, daughter hard to break Home heavy. So, I worry too much
通过E -mail与海外亲朋进行交流时 ,可能会遇到语言障碍。因为国外的计算机多是英文操作系统 ,或者是其他国家语言版本的操作系统 ,中文电子邮件发去后 ,在他们的计算机上一般都显
Background Bladder recurrent disease is still a challenge in the treatment of upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC).This controlled study aims to investigate
目的 研究腹腔神经丛阻滞术治疗腹部顽固性癌痛的方法及疗效.方法 30例各类上腹部恶性肿瘤患者,均有顽固性上腹疼痛,在CT引导下进行膈脚前及腹膜后肿大淋巴结内乙醇阻滞治疗.