语法巧整合 学习更高效

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  反身代词与它所指代的名词或代词形成互指关系,在人称、数上保持一致。反身代词单数词尾都有-self,复数词尾都有-selves。第三人称都由人称代词宾格+self / selves构成。第一、二人称反身代词都是由形容词性物主代词+self / selves构成。反身代词的基本用法如下:
  1. 作及物动词的宾语。
  Please help yourself to some tea. 请你自己用茶。
  2. 作介词的宾语。
  Take care of yourself. 好好照顾自己。
  3. 作主語或宾语的同位语。
  I must begin by telling you about the girl herself. 我必须先和你谈谈这姑娘自身的情况。
  4. 作表语。
  I’m not quite myself these days. 这几天我不大舒服。
  5. 作主语。
  I hope Miss Green and yourself (=you) are keeping well. 我希望格林小姐和你自己身体健康。
  1. should 应该
  (1) should意为“应该”,常用于表示“要求”“劝告”或“建议”。shouldn’t为should的否定形式,意为“不应该,不要”。
  You have a cold. You should stay at home for a few days. 你感冒了,你应该在家待几天。
  (2) should作为情态动词,在句中无主语和人称的变化,后接动词原形。含有should的肯定句变为一般疑问句或否定句时,将should提前或在其后加上not即可。
  Cathy Taylor should help do some chores at home.
  →Should Cathy Taylor help do any chores at home?
  →Cathy Taylor shouldn’t help do any chores at home.
  2. could意为“能;可能”,用于表示能力、许可及猜测等,具体用法如下:
  (1) 意为“能;能够”,作can的过去式,表示在过去有能力做某事时使用。
  My uncle could speak two foreign languages when he was in college. 我叔叔在上大学时能说两种外语。
  (2) 意为“可以;能”,常用于委婉语气句中,这时通常用于下面两种情况。
  1) 用于礼貌地向别人请求准许。作此用法时,相当于may, can。could表示的语气比may, can要委婉得多。
  —Could I use your pen, please? 我能用一下你的钢笔吗?
  —Of course. Here you are. / Oh, sorry, I’m using it now. 当然了,给你。/噢,抱歉,我正在使用。
  2) 用于委婉地建议别人去做某事,此时语气比should轻。
  —My teachers always give me lots of homework. I don’t think I need so much homework. What should I do? 我的老师总是给我留很多家庭作业。我认为我不需要这么多家庭作业。我该怎么办?
  —You could call up your teachers and tell them your opinion. 你可以给你的老师打电话,告诉他们你的看法。
  1. 不定式作宾语
  Nobody knew why she agreed to help Ian. 没人知道她为什么同意帮助伊恩。
  动词不定式作宾语时,主要用在“主语+谓动+ to do”的结构中。后面可接不定式作宾语的动词有:agree (同意), hope (希望), decide (决定), wish (希望), fail (失败), want (想要), would like (想要), ask (请求), choose (选择)等。
  作宾语的不定式若带有自己的补足语,则需用it作形式宾语,而真正的不定式宾语置于补足语之后构成“主语+谓动+ it +宾语补足语(名词或形容词) + to do sth.”结构,谓语动词常为find, think, make, believe, feel等。
  Many people think it necessary (for teenagers) to learn a foreign language. 许多人认为(青少年)学习外语是必要的。
  2. 不定式作宾语补足语
  Mr White advises his students to read English every morning. 怀特先生建议他的学生每天早上读英语。   3. 不定式作狀语
  To improve his basketball skills, Paul trains hard every day. 为了提高他的篮球技术,保罗每天都努力训练。
  4. 不定式作结果状语
  They walked too slowly to catch the bus. 他们走得太慢,赶不上公共汽车。
  5. 不定式作原因状语
  在某些表达感情、情绪的形容词(glad, sorry, sad, worried, proud, excited等)后作原因状语。
  I’m sorry to trouble you. 很抱歉打扰你。
  1. 时间状语从句
  引导时间状语从句的连词有when, while, before, after, until, as soon as, since等。
  I was doing my homework when the telephone rang. 电话铃响的时候,我正在写作业。
  I’ll call you as soon as I get there. 我一到那儿就给你打电话。
  2. 条件状语从句
  引导条件状语从句的连词有if, unless等。
  If it is fine tomorrow, we’ll go to the park. 如果明天天气好,我们就去公园。
  We’ll be late unless we hurry up. 除非快点儿,否则我们会迟到的。
  3. 结果状语从句
  引导结果状语从句的连词有so... that..., such... that...等。so... that...和such... that...的意思均为“如此……以至于……”。so后接形容词或副词,such后接名词或名词性短语,that后接从句。
  I was so tired that I couldn’t go any further. 我累得走不动了。
  Tom is such a clever boy that everyone likes him. 汤姆如此聪明,大家都喜欢他。
  4. 让步状语从句
  Although / Though he is very old, he looks strong. 虽然他的年纪很大,但他看起来还是很强壮。
  5. 目的状语从句
  so that意为“以便,为了”,引导目的状语从句,位于主句之后,从句中常用can, could, may, might等情态动词。
  Please open the windows so that you can breathe fresh air. 请把窗户打开,以便你能呼吸到新鲜的空气。
  6. 原因状语从句
  引导原因状语从句的连词有because, as, since和now that。
  It was because he was careless that he failed. 他是因为粗心才失败的。
  It is morning, for the birds are singing. 天亮了,因为鸟儿在鸣叫。
  1. He found it very difficult ____.
  A. sleeping  B. sleeps  C. slept  D. to fall asleep
  2. The water is ____ dirty ____ the animals can’t drink it.
  A. too; to  B. so; that    C. such; that    D. can’t; enough to
  3. Would you like something ____?
  A. drink    B. drinking    C. to drink    D. drinks
  4. I have a lot of homework ____.
  A. do    B. doing    C. did    D. to do
  5. He is not an easy man ____.
  A. get on    B. to get on    C. get on with    D. to get on with
  6. —What was the party like?
  —Wonderful. It’s years ____ I enjoyed myself so much.
  A. after    B. when    C. before    D. since
  7. I’ll stay here ____ everyone else comes back.
  A. even if    B. as though    C. because    D. until
  8. Speak to him slowly ____ he may understand you better.
  A. since  B. so that    C. for  D. because
  9. While she ____ TV, she ____ a sound outside the room.
  A. was watching; was hearing    B. watched; was hearing
  C. watched; heard            D. was watching; heard
  10. You’ll miss the train ____ you hurry up.
  A. unless    B. as    C. if    D. until
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