新椒19号是辣椒品种焉耆猪大肠通过搭载“神舟三号”飞船并返回地面后,经系普法选育的鲜食黄色辣椒品种,属晚熟品种;其生长势中等,叶片大、叶色深绿,株高75~80 cm,始花节位为第9~10节;果长22 cm,果粗4.5 cm,长牛角形,青熟果深绿色,老熟果金黄色,色泽光亮,表皮光滑,老熟果平均单椒质量60g,果肉厚度为0.22 cm,辣味浓,辣椒素含量为0.318%,维生素C含量为221.6 mg/100 g(FW);适合于新疆地膜覆盖栽培。
New pepper No. 19 is the pepper varieties Yanqi pig large intestine by carrying “Shenzhou III ” spacecraft and returned to the ground, the Department of Law popularized breeding yellow pepper varieties, is a late-maturing varieties; the growth potential of medium, large leaves, leaves Dark green color, height 75 ~ 80 cm, the first flower section 9 ~ 10; fruit length 22 cm, fruit thick 4.5 cm, long horns, green fruit dark green, old ripe fruit golden yellow, bright color , Smooth skin. The average fruit weight of single ripe old fruit was 60g, the thickness of flesh was 0.22 cm, the content of capsaicin was 0.318% and the content of vitamin C was 221.6 mg / 100 g (FW).