Preparation and Properties of Self-Reinforced Si_3N_4-Based Composites

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wujingtao
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The growth conditions and mechanism of SiC whiskers synthesized by carbothermal reduction of silica are described in the present paper.This method was used for preparing SiC whiskers which distributed homogeneously in the matrix of Si_3N_4 powders,and then Si_3N_4 composites with SiC reinforced whisker were prepared(Since no additional whiskers are needed,this kind of materials may be referred to as “self-reinforced ceramic-based composites”).These composites have good mechanical properties at 15 vol.%SiC_w:K_(1c) = 8.0 MPa· m~(1/2);σ_(b,RT) = 649 MPa;σ_(b,1300 C) = 621 MPa(after oxidation at 1300 ℃ for 100 h in air).The microstructural characteristics of SiC/ Si_3N_4 composites are:SiC whiskers are homogeneously distributed between Si_3N_4 grains,in which there are nanometer-sized SiC particals trapped,and only a few of them are located at Si_3N_4 grain boundaries. The growth conditions and mechanism of SiC whiskers synthesized by carbothermal reduction of silica are described in the present paper. This method was used for preparing SiC whiskers which distributed homogeneously in the matrix of Si_3N_4 powders, and then Si_3N_4 composites with SiC reinforced whiskers were prepared Since no additional whiskers are needed, this kind of materials may be referred to as “self-reinforced ceramic-based composites.”) These composites have good mechanical properties at 15 vol.% SiC_w: K_ (1c) = 8.0 MPa σ (b, 1300 C) = 621 MPa (after oxidation at 1300 ° C for 100 h in air). The microstructural characteristics of SiC / Si_3N_4 composites are : SiC whiskers are homogeneously distributed between Si_3N_4 grains, where there are nanometer-sized SiC particals trapped, and only a few of them are located at Si_3N_4 grain boundaries.
地处“瓷都”的江西省景德镇市邮政局,今年以来把瓷器寄递作为特色业务重点发展,取得明显的经济效益,今年上半年已实现业务收入20多万元。 据有关部门统计,景德镇市每年出口的瓷
Nearly ten years have passed since Li Shu’s death, and dramaticchanges have occurred in China during the past decade. Today, when Ireread Li Shu’s works I app
作为爸爸,有件苦恼的事一直压在我心头——每当我教育儿子时,儿子总是一副不服气的样子。才几岁的小家伙,逆反心理却很明显,他要么昂着头,一副刀枪不入的架势;要么用眼斜视你,很“仇恨”的样子。儿子的这种表现,让我很生气,也很沮丧。我感觉与儿子的沟通很困难,效果当然也就很差劲。  我把自己的苦恼说给同事赵先生,并跟他表达了我的沮丧——孩子才几岁,就这么对抗我,我感觉我当爸爸当得很失败。我问赵先生:“有没有