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解决提高森林资源生产力及其在国民经济中充分合理利用的问题,必须采取一系列措施,其中最为重要的是森林资源的经济数学模式化、森林利用规律计算的科学论证、森林资源的经济评价、以经济核算的方法看资源的合理利用、原料资源林价的改革、非原料资源林价的制定等。森林经营的效果在相当大的程度上与这些措施有关。森林资源的经济数学模式化:森林资源的经济数学模式化,可解释为森林资源示意图,也可解释为把森林资源全部成分在相互作用过程中的相互关系。森林资源示意图的解释如 To solve the problem of improving the productivity of forest resources and its full and reasonable utilization in the national economy, we must take a series of measures, of which the most important are the mathematical models of economic mathematics of forest resources, the scientific demonstration of the law of forest utilization, the economic evaluation of forest resources, The method of economic accounting to see the rational use of resources, the reform of forest resources, raw materials, forest resources, non-timber resources to develop. The effectiveness of forest management is to a large extent related to these measures. Mathematical modeling of forest resources: mathematical modeling of forest resources can be interpreted as a map of forest resources, and can also be interpreted as the interrelationship between all components of forest resources in the process of interaction. Explanations of forest resources such as sketch map
(双月刊 ,第 2 3卷 总第 78- 83期 )政治法律研究毛泽东与邓小平的群众路线理论初探(熊吕茂 ,何传军 )(1 - 1 )………………………………………………………论邓小平的“政
(括号内数字前为期次,后为页码) 政法纪念邓小平南方谈话发表10周年理论研讨会发言摘要·································……黄家海等(1
论文题目作者  期数页码立足发展 深化改革 锤炼作风 按照“三个代表”思想建设高素质的学校干部队伍………… 李 懋 杨直凡…………………………………………………
社会科学哲学·政治 逻辑论周恩来的风格和领导艺术刘 焱 (2 0 0 2 1)…………………………………………………………………………………周恩来与抗美援朝李惠康 (2 0 0 2
政治·哲学儒家“天人合一”的政治学阐释傅永聚 ,任怀国 ( 1 0 0 1 )……………………………………儒家道德修养的理想境界———“从心所欲不逾矩”张 兵 ( 1 0 1 8)…
天生桥一级电站混凝土面板堆石坝的填筑坝体位移监测通过水管式沉降仪和水平位移计进行 .坝体内安装了 50支水管式沉降仪 (瑞典盒式 )、31支水平位移计 (铟钢丝型伸缩仪 )和
缢滋凌凌覆溢遂魏鍪≥《篮凌澄遴趱在中央公园享受清闲的市民曼哈顿的一条街哈德逊河上的龙舟赛从东河眺望联合国大厦自由女神塑像康尼岛的游乐场纽约城一瞥@刘旭东 缢 Zili
Physiological and ecological mechanisms that define treelines are still debated.It has been suggested that the absence of trees above the treeline is caused by