以中央领导题词精神为指导 贯彻《条例》再创新

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江泽民、李鹏、李先念等中央领导同志对加强企业设备管理工作的亲笔题词,是党中央和国务院对我们设备管理人员和广大职工的殷切期望和有力鞭策。我厂决心在题词精神鼓舞下,继续深化改革,做好设备管理工作,求得更好的效益。 一、从领导做起,健全设备保证体系 为贯彻中央领导同志题词的精神,我厂在厂长的带领下,掀起了一场扎扎实实地学习“题词”、贯彻“题词”、落实《条例》的活动。首先,在厂长承包经济合同书中明确了厂长任期内的设备管理指标和设备新度系数提高的比例;并在原管理机构的基础上,任命了一名专管设备的副厂长和总机械师、总动力师、总电气师各一名;各车间配备了专职设备副主任和2-3名设备员,使设备管理网络更加完善。每周开一次设备工作例会,解决生产中的设备问题,学习上级有关文件和法规,审议我厂的制度和标准,促进设备管理制度化和标准化。 The personal inscriptions of the central leading comrades Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, and Li Xiannian on strengthening enterprise equipment management are the ardent expectations and spurs of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on our equipment managers and employees. With the inspiration of the inscription, our factory is determined to continue to deepen reforms and do a good job of equipment management to obtain better benefits. First, starting from the leaders, improving the equipment guarantee system to implement the spirit of the central leaders’ inscriptions, under the leadership of the factory director, our factory set off a solid learning “inscription”, implement the “inscription” and implement the “Regulations”. activity. First of all, in the factory contractor’s contract for economic contracting, the proportion of equipment management indicators and equipment newness coefficients within the term of the plant manager was clearly defined; and on the basis of the original management agency, a deputy director and equipment specializing in equipment was appointed. Each of the mechanics, master power division, and chief electrician is one; the workshops are equipped with full-time deputy equipment chiefs and 2-3 equipment personnel, which makes the equipment management network more perfect. The company will open a regular meeting of equipment work every week to solve equipment problems in production, learn relevant documents and regulations of superiors, review the system and standards of our factory, and promote the institutionalization and standardization of equipment management.
在上海市首次科技期刊全面质量考核、评选中,本刊被评为1990~1991年度上海市优秀科技期刊。 In Shanghai’s first full-scale quality assessment and appraisal of scien
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